Bleach Drabble (274-276)

Dec 12, 2005 00:17

My only excuse is that I am back in TX and it is a strange, strange place compared to CA. In different ways. o.o


Title: Stained
Rating: PG-13 for innuendo?
Pairing/Character/s: IchimaruxKira, Renji, Iba, Shuuhei
Word Count: 270
Warning/s: No spoilers I can think of.
Summary: Kira spills milk.
Dedication: antiparallel- dude, a GinxKira community is genius. LOVE!
A/N: Not as prony as I wanted to write for the comm, but the best I could do for now. -_-;; SOWWY!

The moment he spilled milk all over the lap of his hakama, he knew that today would be a particularly trying day at the office.

Not just because he apparently couldn’t feed himself without making a mess, but also (and mostly) because his friends were-

“Damn, Kira. Your captain really works you, huh?”

“Man. You can scrub and scrub but that shit just don’t come out in the end, does it?”

“Wait what’re you guys talkin’ about? I don’t get…oh. Eeuw.”


They were all perverts. Every single one of them.

Kira flushed as they all stared at him, and tried to (unsuccessfully) shield the front of his pants with his hands when he felt a little bit violated by their looks. “It’s… it’s not…”

Iba grinned. “What, not his?”

Renji smirked. “Yours?” He whistled appreciatively.

Shuuhei blinked. And then said, “Oh. Eeuw.”

Kira’s blush deepened, somehow. “It’s milk. It’s just milk!” he insisted, voice a bit shaky as they all stood around and grinned at him.

“Milk? I’ll bet it is.”

“Heh. The sour kind?”

“Wait, what the hell…oh. Eeuw.”

Kira sighed and began drying himself off with a napkin, trying to calm his burning cheeks.

As he did, he told himself he had no reason to be embarrassed. They all were just perverts and the stains they were looking at were due to spilled milk and nothing else.

Just. Milk.

Because Kira knew for a fact that Ichimaru-taichou was always very careful about those sorts of things.

He comforted himself with the knowledge that the stains they were right about were only on the insides of his uniform.



Title: Hide-and-Seek
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Urahara, YoruichixSoi Fong (ish)
Word Count: 478
Warning/s: Spoilers for all of the involved characters’ back stories. And OOC all over the freakin' place.
Summary: Urahara and Yoruichi grew up playing games together.
Dedication: Beck’s request, sort of. I forgive you for not doing it on my lj-thread like everyone else. :P
A/N: I am obviously already out of practice. -_-;;

They’d grown up playing games together; ones unfit for a noble princess but ones that had made her laugh nonetheless, had made them both dirty and sweaty and flushed with joy when they were done.

Her favorite had always been tag.

He’d liked hide-and-seek best, and she supposed that was just fitting somehow. He liked to disappear and reappear hours later, after he’d secured his victory and she’d called out in frustration that she was going to kick his ass if he didn’t come out now.

She never did make good on that threat, though a lot of the time she’d wanted to.

She supposed that she’d been far too relieved to see him reappear at those moments to remember her initial frustration with his ability to make himself scarce.

And besides, as an adult, those memories had always been some of her fondest. Looking back and remembering the way Kisuke would pull at her hair and dance off with that secret smile of his still made her grin even though she was all grown up now, perhaps more than anything else. He was always challenging her in those days, always telling her with those laughing eyes that princess or not, the Shihouin name meant nothing to him so long as she wasn’t able to catch him.

They’d grown up playing together like that, and he had always been her closest friend. Sometimes, her closest family.

But how did you explain that to someone who was your closest something-else?

She hadn’t known how to answer when Soi Fong had asked, very tightly, why Yoruichi had chosen to leave the way she had.

Why she’d chosen him.

And the Shihouin princess hadn’t had an answer to that, at least not one that would have made sense to anyone other than herself.

She’d known, even back then, that he would have been fine with or without her help. Because that was just how he was.

But she supposed that in that moment when he’d come to her, talking about going away, the old fear had set in once again, the one he’d always teased her about when they were young.

And she’d seized on to the opportunity to help him without a second thought.

Because if he wanted to disappear forever for real, it would only be okay if she knew where to find him first.

She didn’t think it was an answer that would make sense to Soi Fong. It hardly made sense to her. So when the younger girl had asked, all Yoruichi could do was hold the other woman close and say, “I’m sorry.”

On the bright side, she knew where to find Kisuke this time, whenever she felt the need to kick his ass for disappearing on her.

She wondered if she could get Soi Fong to see the appeal in that one of these days.



Title: Hyper
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Eleventh Division
Word Count: 478
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine.
Summary: Yachiru had too much energy on her own.
Dedication: lune_etsoleil- because she makes awesome icons and I’ve been negligent in my thanks for those. ^^
A/N: I admit that the image I painted of Yachiru in this one scared me a little bit. But maybe my mind just works in weirder ways when I’m in TX. O.o

Kenpachi glared at his gathered division members dangerously. “I find out the bastard that did this to her, he’s dead. You idiots hear me? Dead.”

The eleventh division gulped collectively, the only sound coming from them in the otherwise eerily silent quad.

Ikkaku rubbed at the back of his neck and moved forward, clearing his throat apprehensively. “Um…taichou?”

Zaraki whirled to face his third chair, who had been standing behind him with a tsking Yumichika. “The hell you want, Madarame?”

Ikkaku took a step back at his leader’s tone. “Well ya see… it uh, it happened like this, taichou. Some of the fellas earlier were just um…well, you know. Messin’ with some of those fourth division guys. All friendly like. A joke, really. Just, you know…”

“Stealin’ their stuff and givin’ ‘em wedgies?” Kenpachi supplied, eye trained unmoving on Ikkaku’s nervous face.

“Er. Yeah. Well… so. They were stealin’ their stuff, and stuff… and fukutaichou just happened to er, see. You know how excited she gets when she um…sees anyone playin’ a game or somethin’.”

“Yeah.” Kenpachi’s responded lowly, voice flat. “And?”

“She thought it was candy, I swear.”

Zaraki scowled and pointed to Yachiru, who he’d had to tie to a pole in the middle of the courtyard after a whirlwind chase/battle through the eleventh division offices. “CANDY?!”

Ikkaku winced. “Yeah. But it er…turned out to be one of those energy-restorin’ things those fourth division punks are always carryin’ and…well...” the third chair gestured to the slightly psychotic looking vice-captain, who was murmuring at a hundred words per minute while trying to squirm her way out of the chains Kenpachi had wrestled onto her at great danger to his own life.

Both captain and third chair regarded her for a moment.

Then Kenpachi sighed, looking exhausted. “She broke one of my ribs.”

Ikkaku blinked. “Really?”


“Er…it’s um, a good thing you got her under control when you did, huh, taichou?” Ikkaku offered lamely, just glad that he’d been gone when the chaos had come sweeping into the eleventh division headquarters.

Zaraki grunted and turned back to his assembled corps. “Alright, forget it. The assholes that gave her the damn pill gotta watch her ‘til it’s out of her system, hear me?”


The eleventh division leader rubbed at his temple with one hand and waved dismissively with the other. “Uh… and all you other idiots go get medical attention if ya ain’t bled to death already. I’m gonna take a nap.”

The division collapsed in relief and limped off towards the medical ward.

Kenpachi retired to his quarters hoping to whatever deity was listening that those chains would hold for a few more hours.

At least long enough so he could get a few quality hours of sleep in.

He winced.

She’d broken his damn rib.

Any other day and he might’ve been proud about that.


Edits needed EVERYWHERE.

shuuhei, yoruichixsoi fong, kenpachi, ginxkira, yumichika, kira, urahara, bleach, renji, eleventh division, yachiru, ikkaku, iba

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