JE/NEWS- "In Which Tegoshi Is the Same as a Disney Princess"

Apr 29, 2009 13:58

Title: In Which Tegoshi Is the Same as a Disney Princess
Universe: JE/ NEWS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS (TegoshixNature)
Warnings/Spoilers: crack, occ, random.
Word Count: 1,165
Summary: Music is the universal language.
Dedication: seca, because I think you probably enjoyed the epicness as well.
A/N: Inspired by NEWS’s latest appearance on Heyx3 and Tego’s apparent ability to commune with foreigners and nature.
Disclaimer: No harm is meant by this!
Distribution: Just lemme know.

The first time it happens it is during a filming break outside when the group is waiting for the DP and the Assistant AD to get the next shot set up over by the swimming pool; Tegoshi takes the moment to retreat from the sweltering Hawaiian sun by sliding into the shade of a nearby tree as he decides to try and catch up on his course reading in the interim. He takes out one of his science text books and puts his headphones on to keep the distractions out, though eventually he forgets about what he’s reading completely and starts to hum along out loud to the melody without knowing he’s doing it.

“Hey,” Koyama notices first, as he walks by on his way to get some snacks from the catering table and has to stop to do a double take at what he sees. “I think those ants are drunk ne!”

Upon hearing that Yamapi and Shige join him because Yamapi has never seen drunk ants before and Shige just wants to look at them and figure out how to tell Koyama he’s wrong because ants getting drunk is highly improbable if not completely impossible.

The three of them crouch in a circle around the pavement to observe the oldest member’s findings and notice that there are indeed ants, and that they are zigzagging rather sharply along, not two feet from where Tegoshi is sitting, obliviously singing to himself.

“Weird,” Yamapi breathes, and whips out his phone to take a picture of the insects for his nikki post later.

It is weird, Shige supposes, but regardless of that he also immediately has a theory as to why it is. “They go in lines based on chemical trails,” he explains to his two groupmates with the look of a true elite student on his face, “so whichever ant came this way first looking for food must have had a lot of obstacles in its path when it put down its chemical signals, which is why all the others are walking along like this even though there are no obstructions left.”

“Oh, I see,” Koyama and Yamapi both murmur in wonder, and are glad Shige is so smart and here to explain the world’s strange phenomena to them.

Two feet off, the song on Tegoshi’s iPod changes from the upbeat pop rock rhythm he is listening to; he starts humming what sounds to be a very romantic love ballad instead.

Koyama, Shige, and Yamapi all stare as the ants at their feet abruptly change their path from sharp-angled zigzags to a series of smooth, rolling waves.

A beat.

And then a very confused Koyama and Yamapi pair turns to look at Shige expectantly again, because surely he can explain this to them scientifically as well.

“Oh hey,” Shige says, and looks over his shoulder suddenly, “I think the DP is calling me.”

He hastily scrambles back to the set.


The second time it happens is at lunch the following day, when they are in the outdoor patio seating area of their hotel’s restaurant waiting for their orders to come. Bored and generally unmotivated to pay attention to Koyama’s disbelieving anecdote about some really drunk ants, Tegoshi picks up his fork and his knife and begins an impromptu percussion performance on the tabletop, where he is soon joined by a cheerful Massu and a bratty Ryo who isn’t particularly interested in hearing Shige’s theories as to why insects probably can’t process alcohol in their bodies.

Encouraged by his groupmates’ smiles, Tegoshi uses their accompaniment to start singing a remix version of Summer Time, making the wait staff stop to listen appreciatively while some tourists take pictures and the staffers write down notes so they can publish this story in unofficial fan books for money later.

In the meantime, a flock of very bright, very tiny birds suddenly gathers on the patio railing as well.

Which probably isn’t a very rare occurrence given that this is a restaurant patio and food is dropping within the birds’ reach here all the time, but the NEWS members who aren’t absorbed in happily singing away all can’t help but notice how the birds are not currently searching for food at all, and that their heads are also bobbing from left to right in perfect synch with one another to the beat of the song, despite there being more than twenty of them currently present. (It should also be noted at this point that any great number of things or people moving perfectly in synchronization with one another is a highly novel and impressive sight to most Johnny’s boys, as they can never quite do the same thing themselves despite all the time and effort they put into trying.)

“Weird,” Yamapi echoes again after a moment of this, and just like earlier, whips out his camera phone because apparently his nikki will be full of photos tonight.

A few minutes later their food arrives, and once Tegoshi stops singing he finally realizes that everyone is staring at him, wait staff, CM staff, tourists, and members alike. “What?” he blinks, “was I off key?”

Behind him, the birds finally hop off of the patio railing and resume their usual business of fighting each other for crumbs on the restaurant floor.


The evening of their last day in Hawaii also means the final photos of their shoot with the magnificent Hawaiian sunset as the ultimate backdrop; at this point the members are tired but optimistic as they sit on Waikiki beach waiting for the director’s instructions, and in an effort to keep the atmosphere up, Tegoshi decides he does not mind being ridiculous and dramatic in everyone’s stead as he stands at the edge of the surf, passionately singing Sen no Kaze ni Natte towards the rolling ocean waves in the hopes of getting a laugh or two from his groupmates.

The foreign staffers don’t seem to get it and clap and cheer like it's a very serious issue.

As for the other members, they appreciate the effort, and even think they might be laughing if there wasn’t suddenly a pod of whales off in the distance, gracefully leaping out of the water one after another in time to Tegoshi’s epic melody.

“Weird,” Yamapi breathes-again- and automatically pulls out his cell phone one more time.

A few minutes later, when a ridiculous and unforeseen squall comes out of nowhere and starts to pick up momentum around them-also in time with the melody- the members all unanimously decide that they need to keep Tegoshi and nature apart just as much as possible from now on, so Tegoshi will stop seducing it.

“I guess now we know why Tegorin always seems to get along so well with the wild-types amongst our senpai, ne,” Koyama laughs awkwardly, as the five of them huddle together on the beach, bracing one another against the swirling winds.

Shige scowls and ends up getting sand in his eye.



koyama, je, massu, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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