NEWS Drabble Dump #23

Apr 19, 2009 15:01

Title: Ryo is a Giant
Theme/Topic: AU where Ryo was given the tall gene
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: NewS
Warnings/Spoilers: crack, ooc, spoilers.
Word Count: 995
Summary: Halfway through NewS’s second year Ryo gets tall. It’s not all that awesome.
Dedication: impynymph’s request on my latest drabble request post! Even if you used strikethrough I could see it okay. Also I already did the circus one sort of, so you know, something new. LOL
A/N: Clearly I am taking experiences from my own life.

In a freak growth spurt that hits him early on in his nineteenth year, Nishikido Ryo suddenly, miraculously shoots up six inches without rhyme or reason. He makes it past Yamapi and Shige in the first month of the spurt before continuing right past Uchi as well; he doesn’t actually stop until it’s three months later and he’s an inch and a half over Koyama, the new tallest member of NewS.

“Ryo-chan is amazing ne,” Yamapi marvels, when he suddenly has to look up to his friend now. “If you’re determined enough, anything’s possible!”

“Is this the result of some sort of weird Johnny’s Entertainment experimental drug?” Shige feels the need to ask, because he knows all about those rumors regarding the agency and its use of plastic surgery to make its idols more appealing; he wouldn’t put it past them to try something with black-market hormone medication too.

“I was simply meant to be great, stupid,” Ryo crows back at Shige, and preens when Tegoshi rests his head on his shoulder and the height is just right.

“Ryo-tan has really long legs,” Tegoshi sighs happily. “Like a model!”

“And really long arms,” Kusano adds. “Like a gorilla.”

“I’m still way prettier than he is,” Uchi sniffs, and supposes that as long as Tegoshi and Massu stay short, their group will still have some cute left in it.

Ryo just thinks that from here on out, he is going to be even more awesome than usual.


Two weeks later, his prediction is ruined when he watches their playback footage during the group’s Teppen PV shoot. “Why do I look so awkward!?” he complains when he sees himself in the back of the formation, thrashing around with Uchi and Koyama.

“I think Ryo-chan looks fine,” Koyama insists.

“No I don’t, I dance like you only worse!” Ryo says, and for a moment, is truly horrified by all the gangly and flailing.

“Maybe you’re not used to the dimensions of your freakishly large hormone-drug laced body yet,” Shige offers. “Since you grew so unnaturally fast.”

“At least I still dance better than you,” Ryo snaps back sulkily, but can’t say anything either way after that, because the director decides to change the formation so Kusano’s head will block out some of Ryo’s long, bony arms as they whip around in the background.

“Wow he’s just like a really skinny gorilla!” Kusano marvels later, when the second playback only ends up being slightly better than the first.

Ryo scowls at the screen and wonders if this is why Jimmy Mackey gave up on Johnny’s and got a real job instead.


Sometime after that there are performances to be had, and trains to take to said performances; it is on the train on their way to one such performance when Tegoshi wordlessly hands his overnight bag to Ryo expectantly.

Ryo blinks. “What?”

“Thanks, Ryo-tan!” Tegoshi chirps, before going to his seat.

Ryo stares.

“You’re supposed to put it in the overhead storage for him,” Uchi points out eventually, when he notices. “Since you’re right there.” He makes a gesture to indicate that Ryo’s eye-level is about even with the overhead bin.

“Oh.” And Ryo supposes doesn’t mind it so much, at least not until Kusano bounces on board; the youngest member grins and wordlessly tosses his duffle at Ryo before hip-hopping over to the seat next to Yamapi.

The look on Ryo’s face as this happens has Uchi in near hysterics. “Wait until you have to start grabbing things for them off the high shelves,” he snickers, and just to be an ass, stacks his bag on top of Kusano’s in Ryo’s hands.

Ryo blinks at the bags he is holding and wonders if this whole being tall thing is all that it’s cracked up to be.


A few hours later, Ryo almost brains himself on the bottom of the doorway while he’s getting off of the train; after that it starts to rain on their walk to the hotel and he nearly gets his eyes poked out several times by the people of average-height passing him by, holding their umbrellas over their heads right at his face-level.

“Ryo-chan, you have to dodge better ne,” Koyama chastises worriedly as they move, and expertly puts his hand up in front of his nose to redirect another unwitting passerby’s umbrella away from his cheek.

“Total amateur,” Uchi clucks in a superior tone, while Tegoshi belatedly realizes Ryo’s current troubles and magnanimously hands his umbrella to the older boy, so Ryo can use it like a shield while carrying it over the both of them at the same time.

“Since you’re taller, ne,” Tegoshi explains sweetly.

“Goddammit,” Ryo mutters, but holds the umbrella obediently over Tegoshi’s head anyway.

“Maybe the jimusho also knows how to make magical shrinking drugs,” Shige suggests like the asshole he is, while Massu believes him and starts wondering if Johnny’s is like Alice in Wonderland. “So you can take some and get down to an average height again.”

“If he shrunk he’d go from being a gorilla to a monkey!” Kusano laughs.

Ryo’s response is to finally find a use for his new height when he hits Kusano in the side of the head with his elbow.

It sends the youngest member stumbling sideways into Shige, and because Shige is not as graceful as Kusano is (especially in the rain), Shige falls flat on his ass (in the rain).

Ryo snickers.

Uchi whistles. “Now you’re getting it.”

The two of them watch Shige flounder around in a puddle for a while before moving on; Ryo suddenly feels much better about himself.

Maybe he can work with these extra six inches after all.

The feeling lasts up until the moment they get to their hotel room and Tegoshi opens up the closet. “Ryo-tan,” he says obliviously, eyes expectant as he points towards the extra pillows and blankets stacked on the top shelf, “get me those.”


More to come as more requests come in. ^_^

More is here!

Title: In Remembrance
Theme/Topic: Why Kusano Loves Koyama
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Kusano, Koyama (mentions of Yamapi)
Warnings/Spoilers: sappiness?
Word Count: 775
Summary: It’s nice to be remembered.
Dedication: dw9lives’s request on my request meme.
A/N: I think I have heat stroke.

Kusano loves Koyama because he never forgets.

He knows this because sometimes, when he listens to Kei-chan NEWS he gets to hear their old songs played on the air every now and again; for a little while he sits and gets to relieve what it’s like to listen to his voice when it’s being broadcast to thousands of people, as it sings in perfect harmony with seven other people. Briefly, he gets to think back on the days when he’d been a different person, is taken back on Koyama’s warm wave of nostalgia to a whole different lifetime, long, long ago.

“It’s still a NEWS song,” he thinks to himself in those moments, when he hears those old Touch album throwbacks in his car on his way home from school. “Even after all this time it’s still a part of NEWS’s history.”

He knows Koyama has never considered those old songs anything but.

Because Koyama is someone who doesn’t let himself forget the past; he’s the kind of person who believes that even if things have changed over time the things that happened before can still be appreciated, can still be something to look back on fondly and remembered no matter how painful they might have been at the time you lived them or how much you suffered because of them.

To Koyama, everything that happened in the past is a precious part of what makes the present-and the future-possible.

It is a bond that can never be broken.

Kusano loves that part of Koyama, the part that will always consider Kusano a member of his group even after all the years that Kusano hasn’t been, even despite the parts of Kusano himself that doubts he can ever be again.

Because Koyama loves every single part of NEWS, in all of its many incarnations and segments and shattered wholes.

And so the text messages still come to Kusano without fail at midnight on February 15th; they smile and move and say “Happy Birthday!” with musical notes and exploding fireworks following.

And a memory written casually in a magazine article somehow manages to stay untainted because of this; “That time us three Ks got lost here,” Koyama will write, or, “That one time we went to eat there together and I forgot my wallet,” or, “The words he said to me at that moment stay with me in my heart even now.”

The phone calls still come too, in unexpected moments. “I heard you saw Yamapi!” or “We should get dinner together if you’re not busy ne,” are some of the messages Koyama leaves on Kusano’s voicemail when Kusano checks it afterwards, because he doesn’t have the strength to pick the phone up at the moment when Koyama calls him. Kusano thinks he isn’t sure he’s ready to talk to Koyama face to face yet, even after all this time; in that way Kusano realizes that he and Koyama are very different.

Because where Koyama can look warmly on every bit of the past-because he considers it a part of NEWS and a part of himself- Kusano can’t help but find himself filled with regrets over it when he’s left to think about it by himself; despite all the good things and all the fun things and all the positive memories he can’t help but recall how he almost completely destroyed the thing that Koyama loves most in this world with his carelessness.

Sometimes Kusano feels like he wants to forget it all, to pretend that it never happened if only to stop himself from inevitably thinking about that one moment of weakness, the near toppling of his friends’ and his own dreams by his own two hands.

It’s why he doesn’t ever call Koyama back he thinks, and why Yamapi knows not to bring up work or old memories when they’re together now, out on the town for no reason and distracting themselves from thinking too much with much less meaningful activities.

Kusano tries not to think about who he was because when his mind wanders towards the past for too long, all he feels is that it’s painful, it’s guilty, it’s shameful and ugly.

It makes him want to forget.

Tonight, as he listens to Yawarakana Mama De on the radio as introduced by a cheerful Massu and Koyama pair, Kusano smiles a little to himself and turns up the volume a notch or two for the long drive home.

In moments like these, Kusano loves Koyama because he thinks Koyama can be the one to remember the past for him.

That way, it will never be anything short of beautiful.


je au, kusano, koyama, je, massu, uchi, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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