JE/NEWS+KAT-TUN- "4 Times Tegoshi Made Jin Dislike Him and 1Time He Made Jin REALLY Dislike Him"

Sep 08, 2008 17:54

Something quick and kind of retarded just to get the juices flowing. I've been so uninspired lately, can you tell? SIGH.

Title: Four Times Tegoshi Made Jin Dislike Him and One Time He Made Jin REALLY Dislike Him (Only Not)
Universe: JE
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS, Kinki, and KAT-TUN (vague, barely-there one-sided JinxTego? LOL)
Warnings/Spoilers: LOTS AND LOTS OF OOC, randomness.
Word Count: 1,450
Summary: Jin has every right not to like Tegoshi. No really.
Dedication: Mostly just an exercise to get me back into writing after weeks of NOT, but I think koneho, annnimeee, cynicalism, tinyangl, and crystallekil get it for both embarrassing me thoroughly and making me smile while I've been away. ILU GUYS.
A/N: This was supposed to be like 500 words what happened.
Disclaimer: No harm is meant by this!


“That isn’t fair!” Jin shrieks when he finally gets back from America and is forced to take in all of the many changes that have occurred in the company while he was gone. He points accusatorily to one particular magazine article in front of him, not trying to conceal his distaste for it even a little bit. From within the binding, photographs of Tegoshi pouting at the camera look back at him, hotly. “We can’t both be the good singers and the swively dancers and play soccer and be the good looking ones! And I was first! He’s totally taking my thing!”

“You’re not exactly the same,” Nakamaru hastens to comfort Jin, before he starts breaking any or all of the surrounding glass with his pitch.

“Yeah,” Koki agrees, not looking up from where he is texting on his cell phone, “he’s also smart.”

Jin scowls. Koki doesn’t notice.

“At least you can still do the sexy parts of our songs?” Nakamaru tells Jin next, patting his back in a placating manner. “I mean, NewS can’t sing sexy songs if they don’t have anyone who can do all that weird breathy moany sultry stuff, right? I mean look at him, he’s too innocent and cute. And his voice is too pure for that kind of thing. That’s where you two differ.”

Jin’s pout intensifies. “Are you trying to comfort me or what?” he demands, and looks on the verge of another full blown tantrum.

Nakamaru feels something in his eardrums start to pop each time Jin’s volume increases. “What I’m saying is, um… what I’m saying is that you’re way sexier than him!” he amends quickly, to keep from going deaf. “That’s what I mean when I say those things. Yeah.”

Jin pauses.


“Oh,” he replies, and looks vaguely pleased. “That’s right. I am way sexier than him, aren’t I?” Pause. Sniff. “He’s still a bastard for trying to steal my shtick while I was gone, though.”

That said, he exits the room distinctly more calm than he’d been five minutes ago, leaving a relieved Nakamaru and an indifferent Koki.

“He hasn’t heard Chocolate yet, has he?” Koki asks, after a beat.

“No,” Nakamaru replies with a sigh, “no he hasn’t.”

He prays Jin never does.


“Who do you think is the best singer in NEWS?” an interviewer asks Tegoshi one day, probably just to pick on him since she clearly already knows the answer.

Tegoshi is unfazed; “Me,” he answers honestly.

His groupmates agree with little to no hesitation; by now it’s not an issue of arrogance or false modesty, just a widely accepted fact.

Seemingly unsatisfied with how easy that was (and how blasé everyone else in the group seems to be about it), the next thing the interviewer asks Tegoshi is, “Who do you think the best singer in KAT-TUN is?”

“Nakamaru,” Tegoshi answers instantly, and once again, doesn’t even have to pause to think about it.

Massu smiles and agrees as well.

It is the most unexpected answer anyone could have hoped for, but when the interviewer asks Tegoshi to please elaborate on what he means by that, Tegoshi just looks at her with a vaguely pitying expression and says, “You mean, you haven’t noticed?”

When that interview gets printed a few months later, Koki is cackling as he shows it to Jin.

Jin is slightly less amused.


“Pi! Ryo!” Jin shrieks, and bursts into NEWS’s dressing room with the intent to share important information about reason number #1,390,458 behind Kame’s inability to make friends.

Except before he can, there is suddenly a hand clamped firmly over his mouth and an irate looking Pi behind it; Ryo’s face from the couch mirrors Yamapi’s.

“Shhh!” they both hiss at him, and scowl.

Jin blinks and tries to talk again, except Yamapi’s hand is still on his face.

Yamapi indicates the couch, where Ryo and Tegoshi are seated. Jin just hadn’t seen Tegoshi at first because Tegoshi is currently sleeping with his head in Ryo’s lap and that is generally not a place where Jin looks for other people ever, especially since the last time Jin had accidentally tipped over (drunk) into Ryo’s lap, the first thing Ryo did was kick him onto the floor and the second thing he did was say mean things about Jin’s hair and love handles.

In any case, Jin doesn’t know what’s going on, only that he needs to talk and no one is letting him.

“He has been hyper all day and we just got him to sleep,” Yamapi whispers in a way that makes Jin feel like he’s five-years-old and has broken the most cardinal of all five-year-old’s rules, “if you’re going to be loud then you have to leave until you’ve calmed down.”

Jin tries to protest-because that’s not fair, he has something important to say- but the hand only clamps down tighter. Jin struggles more; clearly his friends just don’t understand that he needs to complain about stupid Kame to someone who understands.

Ryo sees his efforts to break free and makes a rough gesture with his chin, which Yamapi nods to, and before long, Jin finds himself being spun around and pushed out of the room. “Later,” Yamapi murmurs-still frowning- and closes the door without waiting for Jin to respond.

Jin sulks about it for the whole rest of day and afterwards, when Yamapi asks him what he was shrieking about earlier, Jin gets in an even worse mood than before because he’s already forgotten all the specifics.

In the meantime, Tegoshi bounces through the lunch line all rosy-cheeked and refreshed while holding his food tray and chirping to the juniors and the senpai about what a nice nap he had today.


“Recently KAT-TUN’s Akanishi-kun said that the two of you don’t get along very well, is that true?” the announcer asks during Domoto Kyoudai’s one question one answer segment when TegoMass is there to promote the release of Kataomoi no Chiisana Koi.

There is a distressed sounding murmur from the audience when they hear the inquiry, but Tegoshi just smiles and laughs. “Actually, I think it’s more like there is no interaction to know if we get along or we don’t,” he replies magnanimously.

Koichi laughs a little, behind his hand. “Good answer, good answer.”

“So,” Tsuyoshi moves to clarify, looking mischievous, “what you’re implying is that he’s just saying he doesn’t like you without any real reason to dislike you.”

Tegoshi blinks. “It’s okay if he doesn’t like me for no reason, I don’t mind.”

Tsuyoshi grins. “And by that, you mean you don’t care.”

Tegoshi laughs alongside the rest of the audience at Tsuyoshi’s interpretation. “Sure, that’s fine too,” he chirps, before tilting his head to the side cutely and looking thoughtful. “I mean, the way I look at it, not everyone can get along in a company this large, ne. So it’s not really a big deal if Akanishi-kun doesn’t like me, especially since we don’t see each other often, right? Something like that would only be a big deal if, say, we were in the same group and somehow, we still didn’t get along. But there aren’t any groups like that in Johnny’s, right?”

When Koichi suddenly dies laughing from behind Tegoshi without warning, Tom is prompted to ask what the hell is so funny. Koichi is too busy trying not to choke on his giggles, so Tsuyoshi answers for him.

“We can’t say what he’s laughing about out loud on national TV without causing a scandal,” Tsuyoshi tells everyone calmly.

Massu looks confused while Tegoshi pretends to be too.


Jin curses as the last few strains of Bambina die out on Yamapi’s radio in the room next door; the walls are paper thin and through them, Jin hears the Taiyou no Namida B-sides for the very first time since they were released at the beginning of the year. Or more specifically, he only hears about half of that stupid Bambina song, particularly the breathy midarani and every moany, sultry little ooh ooh yeah yeah thereafter.

He looks down at his lap and has oddly mixed feelings about it all. “He can’t have that too! That was mine!” he complains out loud eventually (on principle), and determinedly grabs a pen and a piece of paper from one of his drawers while feeling both really upset and for some reason, mysteriously hot too.

That night, he inexplicably pens something called Love Juice in one sitting, while a series of breathy, moany little ooh ooh yeah yeahs haunt the back of his mind the whole night through.

Later, whenever anyone asks him what the inspiration for the song was, he lies and says it’s about the girls he met in LA.



kinki kids, jin, je, kat-tun, massu, yamapi, news, nakamaru, tegoshi, tsuyoshi, ryo, koichi, koki

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