NewS Drabble Dump #14/KAT-TUN Drabble Dump #2

Aug 31, 2008 21:20

Written for the JE Genfic Meme.

Title: No Competition
Theme/Topic: How Nyanta contributes to member-ai+ Nyanta is a Koyama’s best friend.
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Koyama, Shige
Warnings/Spoilers: Silliness. Pointlessness. Weirdness.
Word Count: 498
Summary: Koyama worries.
Dedication: crystallekil’s requests all rolled up into one big retarded drabble.
A/N: I don’t know. LAME.

Shige wakes up with a jerk when his cell phone suddenly starts vibrating in his hand. He blinks blearily and glances down at the LCD; it’s Koyama.

He contemplates ignoring it. It’s Koyama, but it’s also three am.

Then he imagines Koyama’s blatant overuse of SadFace tomorrow if he does ignore it, with the possibility of PoutFace being thrown in too and eventually he sighs to himself in resignation. He pulls out his earbuds, turns off his iPod, and answers the phone.

“What,” he demands.

No one said he had to be happy about it.

“Shige!” Koyama blares abruptly, and sounds genuinely distressed. “Shige, it’s an emergency!”

Shige sits up in bed when he hears Koyama’s tone and prepares to actually be worried; he thinks that maybe there was an accident or another scandal or Koyama’s sick or Nyanta’s sick.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, and fumbles around in the dark before clicking on the lamp sitting atop his nightstand. “Are you okay?”

“Shige, I don’t know who my real best friend is!”

A beat.

Then, “What.”

Koyama does not sense the danger in Shige’s tone. He’s too busy panicking.

“I was thinking about it before I fell asleep!” Koyama explains in a blubbering rush, “Nyanta curled up on the bed next to me, ne, and before I closed my eyes I patted his head and thought, Nyanta is my best friend.”

Shige bites the inside of his cheek to keep himself from saying something mean about Nyanta’s bad luck.

“And then I stopped and thought, Wait! Shige is my best friend!”

Shige doesn’t stop himself from saying something about his own bad luck. “How great for me,” he drawls. “It is three am. Are you comparing me to a cat?”

Koyama doesn’t seem to take special interest in the fact that yes, it is three am, and yes, he is comparing Shige to a cat. “Shige, Shige, who is my real best friend?” he presses, voice small and worried.

Shige sighs. Grits his teeth. Knows that it’s either deal now or deal with SadFace tomorrow. “Nyanta is a cat, Koyama,” he says, slowly and with extra emphasis so nothing important is missed by his slightly hysterical groupmate.

On the other end, Koyama sniffles like that means nothing to him.

Shige keeps talking. “And I am a person.”

There is the sound of rustling bed sheets and a second sniffle from the other end. “And?”

“And I have never thrown up in your bed,” Shige finishes, decisively.

A moment.

Then, a slightly sheepish, “I’m glad Shige is my best friend, ne.”

Shige turns off his light. “Lucky me,” he reiterates, and hangs up the very moment that Koyama starts blabbering about how they’re totally going to be best friends for the rest of their lives too and how even though he loves Nyanta a lot he loves Shige too and blah, blah, blah.

At this point Shige thinks facing SadFace tomorrow is worth the extra two hours of sleep.


Title: Jin is not a Higher Life Form
Theme/Topic: Jin is abducted by aliens
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: KAT-TUN
Warnings/Spoilers: crack, ooc.
Word Count: 674
Summary: Jin is late. His excuse is extraordinary.
Dedication: for the JE Gen meme that Crys and Cyn started. Original request by shatteredinu.
A/N: LOL I can’t write Jin as anything but a moron or a dick I guess.

When Jin is late for work no one really has anything to say about it because it is not out of the ordinary. Kame just snorts, Nakamaru and Koki start a made-up word game amongst themselves on set, and Junno plays video games while Ueda keeps to himself.

An hour later, people start getting impatient.

No one can reach Jin.

"He's probably really hung over," Koki suggests, and promptly slaps Nakamaru in the face as punishment when he loses the next round of their game.

Kame snorts some more and finishes up his answers for the magazine while Junno finishes up his solo pictures.

It's time for the group shot.

"We can just photoshop him into the group picture for this month's issue later, right?" Kame asks the director, because he doesn't have time to sit around all day waiting for Jin to learn responsibility.

"Sure," the photographer offers after a beat, and shrugs. "I can have them do it when they're taking the bags out from under your eyes."

"Great." That settled, KT-TUN goes to pose together on the couch, leaving some room at the end for when Jin gets cut and pasted in.

Just as they're lined up and touched up and ready for the first shot, Jin comes skittering into the studio and disrupts their poses. "GUYS!" he screams, and looks like a wild animal, "You won't believe what happened to me last night!"

His groupmates wait for the excuse; Jin only has so many grandmothers whose funerals he needs to go to before it's just disrespectful. Truth be told, at this point he might actually be out of grandmothers already, but no one can be sure because they haven't really kept track.

"I was abducted by aliens!" Jin announces after a beat, when no one asks or guesses or says much of anything as to what happened to him last night. He waves his arms in front of him a few times. "Aliens!"

Still nothing.

"That wasn't one of your best," Nakamaru says eventually. "You probably should have gone with the kitten in a tree again."

"I'm not lying this time!" Jin shouts, and doesn't realize what that means for all the other times. "I was really, really abducted by aliens! They took me from the men's room at the club last night! They beamed me into their ship and did horrible things to me!"

"Anal probe?" Ueda asks, eyebrows raised.

Jin looks scandalized. "Geometry," he corrects. "They asked me where Tunisia is. I don't know those kinds of complicated things."


"Oh, geography," Nakamaru realizes.

"That is what I said!" Jin shouts. "They did stuff like that to me ALL night and didn't let me go until this morning and when they beamed me down I WAS IN NAGOYA OKAY. I rushed here as soon as I could."

No one looks like they believe him except for Junno, who asks how the weather in his old hometown is. He gets smacked by Koki for encouraging Jin.

"Just get to makeup," Kame says after he decides he doesn't want to argue about Jin being irresponsible and late because it will only put them even more behind schedule. "They didn't mess up your hair too bad at least."

Jin huffs. "You totally don't believe me, but when the alien army comes to invade earth you will all be sorry you didn't."

He marches off to makeup.

Behind him, his groupmates share a look. "I give it an eight, for creativity," Nakamaru starts, ever charitable.

"Zero for thinking we're morons," Koki says.

Junno just laughs and Ueda ignores them all; Kame keeps a close eye on his watch.

Jin returns fifteen minutes later, and they sit on the couch together and smile for the camera like they mean it.

They're only two hours overdue by the time they wrap.

Meanwhile, on a scout ship just reaching the outskirts of the Milky Way, a squadron comprising of half a dozen alien scientists reports no intelligent life on earth.

They call off the invasion.



ueda, jin, koyama, je, kat-tun, kame, news, nakamaru, junno, shige, koki

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