JE/NewS - "Six Fights Ryo Tries to Start in NewS (and One Fight He Starts in KAT-TUN)"

Sep 04, 2007 16:28

Title: Six Fights Ryo Tries to Start in NewS (and One Fight He Starts in KAT-TUN)
Universe: JE/NewS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: NewS, KAT-TUN, and an appearance by Yokoyama
Warnings/Spoilers: Crack? OOC? Stupidity? THESE PEOPLE REALLY EXIST OH GOD.
Word Count: 2,978
Summary: Attempt one- Ryo tries to start one fight with ( Read more... )

jin, koyama, je, kat-tun, massu, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, yokoyama, ryo, kanjani 8, koki

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annnimeee September 5 2007, 03:23:03 UTC
OH HY. ♥♥♥

To start off, let me say that today was truly an awful day at work. i got so angry that even afterwards explaining it to my brother, the tears welled up. so anyway, after sulking in my room and trying not to think about revenge, i turned on my computer and this is the 2nd entry on my flist.

i started smiling at just the intro, my friend. and then reading the rest of it cheered me up like nothing else.

I LOVE HOW YOU WROTE SHIGE. because Ryo does talk about in his blog entries how Shige argues until he has nothing to say back and you captured that PERFECTLY and Shige is calm and a smart-ass and his comeback is great and leaves ryo speechless. i love how he just TOOK it and dished it all back all the while making sure that Tegoshi still looked good. LOVE.

POOR MASSU, but that made me laugh. because Massu IS a crybaby more likely to sulk than to talk. and koyama, OH KOYAMA is so great (I KNOW you were thinking of his first meeting with Jin!) and so willing to let things slide.

TEGOSHI. TEGOSHI and his self-centered confidence that people will forgive him. and him telling Ryo to cheer up because he is THAT CHEERFUL and FEARLESS OMG.

yamapi and his seishun nostalgia!

SERIOUSLY? I feel like this one of the most IC you've ever written NewS. lol. you say its retarded the way i said my last NewS fic is retarded but MAYBE ITS BECAUSE THE BOYS ARE RETARDED AND THE MORE CANON WE GO, the more we write things that they ARE likely to do/say, the more we think, "ah, how retarded".

(I do NOT think this is retarded, i love how you integrated each of their personalities into their responses).

Much love, friend! I enjoyed reading this so much!


peroxidepest17 September 5 2007, 06:51:09 UTC
THE SHIGExRYO SEGMENT WAS ESPECIALLY FOR YOU, MY FRIEND. Haha that was the only segment I really liked out of all of them, I think. Though Koyama's was the easiest to write. XD;; BECAUSE YES, he doesn't mind getting the verbal bitch slap because he can shake it off and keep going. On account of his being positive. LOL

And god, the Massu part. HAHA I actually kind of felt guilty when I was writing it but it's ALL RYO'S FAULT for putting his most favorite funny moment of the tour as pretending to be mad at Massu and making him cry. It's so evil and somehow, so cute at the same time. -_-;;

LOL And I guess that is a fair assessment...the deeper we go into facets of characterization the stupider it will get, since they're all SO DUMB AND LOVABLE.


Smile, ne!


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