Title: Koyama Thinks Ryo Loves Tegoshi
Universe: JE/NewS
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: NewS (with light RyoxTego), cameos by Yax3
Warnings/Spoilers: Crack, OOC, stupidity. RPF.
Word Count: 2,386
Summary: Koyama thinks Ryo is in love. Shige thinks it might be indigestion.
Dedication: Ann- I am cheering you on! Episode 2 GO!
A/N: Okay, this is not one of the fics I owe, but after finishing the pilot for the J-drama we are writing just now I felt kind of in the mood to finish this. It’s been sitting around unfinished long enough in any case. And since I am bored at work, I might as well, right? Right. Forgive my lameness please. LOL
Disclaimer: Not mine, though I wish constantly.
Distribution: Just lemme know.
1. Exhibit A: Not Indigestion
“I think,” Koyama began one afternoon, as he looked over towards the rehearsal floor, “that Ryo is in love.”
Shige snorted when he saw the look on Ryo’s face. To him, it looked like indigestion. “Are you sure it’s not indigestion?” he asked. “Sometimes that happens when we have dance rehearsals right after lunch.”
Koyama waved dismissively. “No, not indigestion.”
When Shige looked at Koyama again, he was doubtful.
But even still, Koyama was pretty sure that it was love. Not 100% sure exactly, but around 99% at least. And that 1% difference only existed because Ryo’s indigestion face was very similar to what Koyama imagined his love face to be like. Perhaps to Ryo, the feelings were alike.
“This is very interesting,” Koyama murmured as he studied Ryo. He poked Shige when Shige didn’t respond. “Ne? Isn’t it interesting?”
Shige sighed. “More like terrifying,” he said, and did not want to imagine Ryo in love (because he had a worldview that he would like to keep, please, and people like Ryo feeling things like love would clearly turn it upside down. The sky would turn green and the grass would turn blue, good would be evil and evil would be good, and Arashi would be able to dance). Shige pursed his lips. “How can you even tell it’s love?” he asked.
Koyama watched Ryo trip Tegoshi.
Tegoshi landed ass-first on the ground. “E-eh?” Tegoshi said, blinking up at Ryo from the floor, bewildered. His lower lip trembled a little. “Ryo-tan?”
Tegoshi’s confused face was very cute.
Ryo didn’t say anything. He just laughed and went back to practicing. He looked happy.
“I can just tell,” Koyama told Shige, and was 100% certain it was not indigestion now.
2. Exhibit B: Selflessness
Later, after dance practice, Ryo acted like he had done nothing mean at all. “Oi, Tego-nyan. Let’s go get dinner together,” he said.
Luckily for Ryo, Tegoshi had already forgotten that Ryo had ever acted mean to him anyway. Understandably, it was hard to remember all the dance steps and all the lyrics and all the mean things Ryo did in one day. Because that was a lot.
“Okay!” Tegoshi chirruped, but then blinked and cocked his head to the side. “Ah, but I already said I’d go with Kei-chan and Shige.”
Ryo rolled his eyes. “We’re getting shabu shabu.”
Tegoshi looked torn. Shige was about to tell Tegoshi that he should just go, but before he could, Tegoshi brightened and said, “Alright, let’s all go together!”
Ryo scoffed. “If there are more of us the wait will be longer. This is a really good place I’m taking you to.”
“We’ll play games in line while we wait!” Tegoshi reasoned, and tugged on Ryo’s arm. “Ne, let’s go together, ‘kay, Ryo-tan? It’ll be fun!”
Ryo looked pissed, but didn’t shake Tegoshi’s hands off.
He eyed Koyama and Shige. Shige thought that he didn’t seem too happy. But after a while, Ryo sighed, because Tegoshi was looking up at him all hopeful and cute and even a guy like him, who could-if pushed-torture and kill puppies and kittens to serve his own designs, couldn’t say no to an imploring Tegoshi. “Fine, you can bring the two backup singers with you if you want,” he said, and sighed.
Tegoshi beamed. “Yay!”
Shige frowned. “Hey.”
Shige elbowed Koyama when he didn’t say anything in complaint as well, because that had been his cue to. Koyama had clearly been concentrating on his stupid theory about Ryo being in love and not listening to the fact that Ryo was insulting them.
When Shige hit him, Koyama blinked. “Oh my god, did he mean us?”
Tegoshi laughed brightly. “Everyone’s so silly.”
He bounced off to the bathroom to freshen up after that, and didn’t notice that it meant everyone was going to have to wait for him now.
In the hallway, Koyama stared at Ryo.
Ryo glowered back.
Koyama squirmed. “See?!” he hissed, and whispered in Shige’s ear. “Love!”
Shige wrinkled his nose.
“And don’t say indigestion again,” Koyama said next. “Because even though he’s making that face, we haven’t eaten anything yet and lunch was a long time ago!”
Shige sighed. “Maybe he just doesn’t want to eat dinner alone.”
“You’re so negative!” Koyama tsked.
Shige did not understand how thinking like this made Koyama positive.
Ryo snorted and said, “I can hear you morons. There is less than five feet between us and you’re so dumb that when you whisper it’s the same as screaming.”
Shige and Koyama shut up.
When Tegoshi came back from the bathroom he sparkled at his bandmates and said, “Let’s hurry, I’m hungry!” like he hadn’t just made everyone wait twenty minutes for him to fix his hair.
Ryo didn’t even yell at him at all.
He did however, tell Koyama and Shige that they were going to pay for everything, “since you’re the tagalongs.” He didn’t mention the fact that it had been Tegoshi who had invited them in the first place.
“See?” Koyama said again later, when the two of them were washing their hands in the bathroom.
“See what?” Shige asked.
“He treated Tegoshi!”
Shige sighed. “He got us to treat Tegoshi.”
Koyama held up a finger. “Right. And not just him.”
Shige blinked.
Koyama looked very proud of himself. “Ryo has to be in love!”
Shige thought it was kind of sad that Ryo manipulating people for someone else’s sake constituted as love for him.
He was also sad that this restaurant was so expensive.
But most of all, he was sad that Koyama’s stupid idea was starting to make some sense to him.
3. Exhibit C: Jealousy
Once Shige grudgingly admitted to Koyama that he may be on to something maybe, Koyama only heard the part where Shige thought he was right about it. So naturally, he decided that it was time to go public as soon as possible (i.e. the next day).
He opted to tell Masu first, because he was Tegoshi’s best friend and probably ought to know. Koyama slung an arm around the shorter boy’s shoulders during a practice break and took him aside. “I think,” he began, voice full of confidence now, “that Ryo is in love.”
Masu looked sideways: first left and then right, and then back at Koyama. “Okay.” Pause. “Do you mean with himself?”
Shige considered it a valid question.
“I think he’s in love with someone else. And when I say that, I mean that he likes this person at least as much as he likes himself,” Koyama clarified in a confident manner (though he still had to say it softly, because Tegoshi was nearby, looking at himself in the mirror). “At least. Maybe even more.”
Masu’s eyes widened slightly; he hadn’t been expecting that. “Really?” Pause. Blink. Then, “Is this a trick? What are you filming for?” Masu began looking around for hidden cameras.
Shige thought that that those were all valid questions as well.
“It’s not a trick,” Koyama assured him. “I’ll prove it.”
Shige heard that and thought that there was no way this was going to end well.
He was right.
Koyama shoved Masu towards Tegoshi then, and Masu wasn’t ready for it, so he stumbled and bumped right into Tegoshi.
Tegoshi “meeped” when Masu’s mouth pressed against the side of his cheek.
He blinked and touched his face, eyes wide. “Masu! Did you just kiss me?” he asked.
Masuda stared. “Um…”
Koyama crossed his arms and looked at them both. “I think he did just kiss you, Tegoshi! How cute!” he said, very loudly and with exaggerated emphasis.
“How cute!” Yamapi echoed, from the couch. He threw his hands up in the air. “Cute!”
From beside Yamapi, Ryo’s lip curled. Masu hid behind Tegoshi on instinct.
Later that day, Masu’s bag disappeared.
“Who took my bag?” Masu complained, when he couldn’t find it. He was very distressed.
No one answered.
“It was right here, on the couch. Eh, where did it go?”
Tegoshi frowned. “I’ll help you look, Masu!”
“We’ll all help!” Yamapi promised.
Ryo just snorted. He reached into his pocket and took out a wad of money and threw it right at Masu. “Stop whining and buy something new,” he said. Then Ryo went home.
Masu stared. “E-eh?”
Koyama put his arm around Masu again and sounded very smug. “See, I told you. Love.”
Masu did not get the connection, but to be fair, he was too busy wondering where his bag had gone to.
Shige thought that it was probably for the best.
4. Exhibit D: Everyone Loves Tegoshi
Koyama told Yamapi next. “Oi, Yamapi… did you know that Ryo is in love?” he asked, and even though he was asking, the way he said it made it sound like a scientific fact.
Shige still thought it was only theoretical at best-they still hadn’t seen Ryo kiss Tegoshi or heard Ryo say he loved Tegoshi, after all.
Yamapi blinked at Koyama. “Ryo-chan is in love?” His eyebrows shot up, and then he turned around to study Ryo, who was lurking around the back of the room, brow furrowed as he rifled through something that looked a lot like Masu’s wallet. Yamapi turned back to Koyama. “Are you sure…”
“It’s not indigestion,” Koyama promised him, waving dismissively.
Yamapi blinked again. Then, “Do you mean he’s…”
Koyama sighed. “He is in love with someone else. Who is not himself.”
Yamapi looked as though he was trying very hard to process all of this. “Is this…”
“It’s not a trick. We’re not filming. There are no cameras.”
Yamapi stared at Koyama and Koyama looked back expectantly. The two of them didn’t say anything for a while.
Then Yamapi threw his hands up in the air, eyes wide. “Koyama is psychic!”
Koyama blinked at Yamapi, because clearly he was not focusing on the greatness of Koyama’s discovery like he ought to be. “Ryo is in love!” Koyama said again, slower and with emphasis this time. Then he threw his hands up over his head to mirror Yamapi, like that would somehow help him get better satellite reception of Yamapi’s brain waves.
Shige tried it too, just to see. When he did, all he could feel was dead air.
He put his arms down.
Meanwhile Koyama and Yamapi looked like they were pretending to be mirror images of one another. Shige frowned because that was his gimmick with Koyama and Yamapi already had the whole hip thing going for him. What more did he want?
Then Yamapi leaned right, and Koyama leaned right as well. Then Yamapi leaned left and Koyama followed. Yamapi giggled.
Koyama sighed. “Love!” he repeated, hands in the air. “Are you listening? Ryo is in love!”
“Are you sure?” Yamapi asked, though he looked like he was concentrating more on trying to trick his Koyama-reflection into messing up than listening to what his Koyama-reflection had to say. He bent backwards all the way next, until he couldn’t see Koyama, and then shot back up abruptly. When he did, Koyama was already there to meet him (because he hadn’t moved in the first place-Koyama couldn’t bend like that). “Wow!” Yamapi breathed. “How did you do that?”
“Yes I’m sure! Aren’t you going to ask me who Ryo loves?” Koyama asked.
Yamapi spun in a circle next. Koyama sighed and did the same.
“Who does Ryo-chan love?” Yamapi asked mid-spin, dutifully.
“Tegoshi!” Koyama said.
Yamapi stopped spinning. Because he was getting dizzy. He grinned. “Everyone loves Tegoshi!” he replied, with no pretense whatsoever.
Shige supposed that Yamapi had a point. Maybe Ryo just liked Tegoshi as much as everyone else did. The kid was very cute, after all. Shige looked at Koyama and hoped that his older friend could see that as one of the possibilities as well.
Koyama did. Unfortunately.
He smile was almost as big as Yamapi’s when he heard Yamapi’s opinion on the matter. “See?” he said, to Shige. “More proof!”
Shige blinked. “What?”
Koyama’s expression was very triumphant, and when it was focused on him like that, Shige could kind of understand why Ryo said it was annoying and stupid-looking whenever he saw it. “Do you even know what you’re saying?” Shige asked him.
“Of course! If everyone loves Tegoshi,” Koyama began, slowly, “then that means Ryo definitely does too, ne?”
“Right!” Yamapi agreed, and the two of them both pumped their fists at the same time.
Yamapi started spinning again. Koyama followed suit.
Shige wondered if the two of them doing that in the same room at the same time generated more stupid in the air than usual or something.
At this point, Shige thought that the possibility was likely more than just a theory.
5. Exhibit E: Love Makes You a Better Person
However, as much as he may not have wanted to, the time eventually came when Shige had to admit that Koyama was 100% right after all. Ryo was in love.
It was during a Shounen Club rehearsal, while Ya-Ya-Yah was on stage with the rest of the juniors, that Shige came face-to-face with that irrefutable proof he had been looking for all this time.
“Ah, Taiyo-kun is pretty interesting, ne?” Tegoshi posed sleepily that morning, lips pursing thoughtfully. He rested his head on Ryo’s shoulder then-perfectly content- as they all waited for their turn on stage.
In the meantime, everyone watched Taiyo turn the wrong way during the medley and crash into Shoon.
For the fifth time.
In a row.
Ryo smirked and draped an arm around Tegoshi obligingly. “Yeah,” he said, when Shoon started crying again. “He’s a pretty interesting guy.”
And he didn’t have anything else to say about it at all. In fact, Ryo didn’t even look like he was mad for the delays or that he was even thinking about what an untalented moron Taiyo was, like he normally did.
Shige stared.
After a while, he took a deep, shaking breath and reached out to clasp Koyama’s shoulder. “Okay,” he sighed, as his worldview shattered all around him, “it’s not indigestion.”
Koyama, however, was not listening. Instead, he was looking at the stage thoughtfully. “Hey,” he began after a moment, and tapped Shige’s arm, “Do you think Taiyo-kun is in love?”