Since there was literally nothing on, I had no books worth reading in the house, and I couldn't sleep, I watched CSI last night to see what the big deal was about.
Not bad, I can see why its popular. The theme of the evening was a serial peeping tom, escalating to the inevitable rape. Jumped in, whacked off on a girl's head, took off.
What really, really pissed me off was what happened when the lead investigator collected some "evidence" from the girl's hair. She takes it to the lab. Finds out later, no sperm. Its pre-ejaculate, which "has no sperm in it".
What. The. Fuck.
Some moronic teenager who thinks TV is god is going to see that, and think, "Oh, as long as he pulls out, there's no sperm in that pre-ejaculate stuff".
WRONG. There's not a LOT, but yes, Virginia, you CAN get pregnant from that little tiny bit of stuff that comes out of his penis before he squirts. I'm getting mortally tired of TV's deliberate misinformation for the sake of good drama. Shit like that is why I refuse to watch "realistic" drama shows. I don't want reality, I want humor and disassociation from reality. I don't want to watch shows about fictional rapes, fake violence, and bad shit happening to good people. There's enough of that happening in real life. You want drama? Go sit in your local courthouse. I guarantee you it'll be funnier than those shows, and more depressing, too. Because its fucking real. You wanna feel better about yourself by seeing someone getting it worse than you have? Go walk through a trailer park.
And I REALLY don't understand our voyeuristic need to see someone brutally humiliated on national television. I don't mean stupid crap like "Fear Factor", which is just a collection of maggot eaters, I'm talking about surreality shows like American Idol or The Biggest Loser. I don't want to see someone get hurt, cry on TV, and be rejected because they aren't popular enough, or happened to be the slow one. I don't want to see someone arguing over who stole their precious "crystals". I'm not sure what the fascination is. Yeah, American Idol is fun for one reason. I do like the performances. Those are some talented kids, and they're pleasant to hear. What I don't want to watch is that asshole Brit being a jackass. You know something? American Idol wouldn't have been as popular as it is without him. Because we want to see people get publically humiliated. We LIKE watching someone running off the stage in tears because some famous guy whose opinion apparently means more than anyone else's tells them that they suck.
There's only one reality show I watch. Extreme Makeover Home Edition. You know why? Because they take a family that genuinely deserves and needs what they're given, and they give them a complete life change with a house that any of us would be jealous over. No one gets voted off, no one has to be humiliated, and you find yourself crying at the end of a lot of shows because someone's really getting what they deserve. Last show I saw, the crew started bickering over some silly competition they were having, and the head guy (who's cute by the way) told them to grow up and focus on what's important... getting the house done for the family that deserved it.
Anyway. I'm glad I really don't watch much TV. I'm too addicted to give it up completely, but I do at least try to limit my consumption to mindless humor shows, or shows that are about helping people, not hurting them.