Margrit Kennedy's book Originally uploaded by
antaeus_of_sorts Nimbin has just been enjoying a few days of much needed rain and I'm reminded of the saying "Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet". I'm veritably thriving up here people! It's easy enough to find the bad points of this town (or anywhere for that matter), but it's good points by far outshade them. Here it's a matter of course to run into a gaggle of permies in the supermarket, to have a weekly produce market, your choice of artists to muralise your concrete rainwater tank with a 'michelangelo-eat-your-heart-out' platypus, community members that host public film nights on social issues and change. The last point refers to the film we saw in town at Jingles' place a few days ago on the control structures in American society. The 'Zeitgeist Movie' looks at religion, political propaganda and an amazingly dodgy monetary system. I'd heard much of it before, but if you're up for an interesting pre-history of Abrahamic religions, or a bit of September 11 conspiracy theory, or a look at blatant institutional wage slavery go to
Following the movie I came across the tangible copy of a very provocative book I've been reading online (at ). If you've ever had the sense that there's something inherently wrong with the way our monetary system works, but haven't been able to put your finger on it or see an alternative - have a read. It takes a good look at the oft touted but rarely questioned assumptions on economic growth. Much of it is based on the work of theoretical economist Silvio Gesell admired by the likes of Einstein and Keynes. It discusses the consequences of four main misconceptions - that there is only one type of growth, that we pay interest only if we borrow money, that we are all equally affected by interest, and that inflation is an integral part of free market economies. Although it acknowledges that the alternative system it proposes is not a silver bullet for the worlds problems, it's definitely an integral part of the solution pie :) That's enough ranting; just give the first chapter a try - you'll be hooked.
In other news - I have a budget! I am finally a follower of the envelope system - the money left over after course and rent costs now goes into an envelope labeled with either a bright red 'food', 'spending' or 'saving'. Anything leftover from the first two goes into 'saving' at the end of the fortnight. Couldn't be simpler. And I even made the envelopes myself, all craftsman like! Such pride I am filled with right now at this simple but long deferred setup. Another good habit I've just gotten into is a forced diversification of my library haul - I'm branching out from the fiction section into the previously unacknowledged economics section, social sciences, biographies and more. I'm loving the plan so far.
Alright that's enough for now - rant over :)