Birthday Lil and Non-Birthday Mon Originally uploaded by
antaeus_of_sorts Back to school in Nimbin. Everything has been frost fried by a freak mega frost a couple of weeks ago, but otherwise it’s all happening. I’m in a bright and shiny place right now (metaphorically speaking, not in an aluminium lined UFO shelter) having just finished an awesome book I brought with me which has greatly furthered my attempts at self permaculturisation. It’s given my GST plan (Getting Shit Together) the guts and foundation to do just that. Now I’ve got this amazing framework tying everything together I feel like there’s finally some consciously applied design and organization to my life.
I got to see some of my peeps before I left because Lil was kind enough to have been born a few days before I planned to leave for school 22 years later. While there are legions of amigos I didn't get to see again before I left, I was lucky enough to see Lil, Mahalia, and Mon and experience the treat of a Lil-planned feast.
Although I’m missing all my friends, my family, my dog, my piano lessons and my recently discovered gymnastics class of wondrousness - I’m loving the opportunity to make great inroads into all the important stuff I’ve been meaning to get around to but never seemed to make much progress on. I’ve already made a move on my diploma demands, and I’ve just taken the first steps to procuring some paid design work as part of a bigger plan to deal with the ol’ money matters. And in terms of health I would say I am both alive and kicking - I’ve gotten myself into good habits with walking and eating healthy and tasty goodness. Yesterday’s porridge combo was paw paw (with the seeds cos they’re a little bit of peppery scrumptious) and honey, today’s was with grapefruit, and valencia and blood orange juices, and tomorrow will be apple, cinnamon and nutmeg. I think I may have unnaturally strong feelings about porridge, but it’s healthy, it’s quick, and IT’S DELICIOUS!
I’m planning on being here till the end of October - which gives me 6 weeks or so to free range before the teacher training course and the mycology course following on it’s heels. I’m all eagered up for these two because, well, there’s the dream of becoming a permaculture teacher, and who doesn’t love mushrooms? Meanwhile I’ve got promises of visitation from Nicky and Paul who have been unseen for longtime now. I’m looking forward to an eventful few months.