To Grandmother's house we go...

Nov 24, 2010 20:08

...and I really, really wish we weren't. Grandmother is just not physically up to producing these feasts, but she insists on doing it. We'd all really much rather produce our own mini-feasts for our own households and make Christmas the big get-together day - especially the ones who have to come in from out of town - but she will not hear of it. She wants to rule BOTH holidays.

On the upside, I'm off Thursday and Friday, and I bought my last physical present on the Christmas list tonight - for Grandmother, ironically. I still have to get some gift cards to send to out-of-towners, but that'll wait. Next stop: wrapping!

I finished the primary knitting on my Miley sweater. But I'm not sure I can get the ends woven in and the neck sewn in a fake-henley finish in time to wear it tomorrow. Moreover, Grandmother tends to keep her house very hot; even a short-sleeve sweater like this may not be the best idea.

See, this is why I don't socialize very much. It makes my brain hurt. A lot.

self-indulgent whinging, life, holidays

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