Lessee...a brief catch-up:
1) I'M AN AUNT (again)! Deets: Leah, 5 pounds 13 ounces, 19 inches. My younger second-sis gave birth Friday at 4:30am (yeesh.)
conspirasysista is due in August, so expect another blurt then....
2) Headed out to a Shanty Sing with
tamnonlinear earlier this month, and loved it. Lurrrrved it! Couldn't stay out too late because (I'm turning into a coot) I'd been running around like crazy lately and needed zzzzz time, but it was a blast!
3) Planning a trip to Austin in November -- it'll be with my DC friends, along with a slew of other folks who will go down for a convention run by our social club. Should be fun! At last, I'll get to see if Austin is the place for me. *ponders*
And since I've been able to pretty much rest all day, here are some fivers!
What are the five most interesting uses of time travel?
I'm not a huge fan of time-travel, because I'm a big "butterfly effect" kinda person. Having said that though, I've always loved Hermione and her time-turner. I probably would have done something like that myself back in the day, but for drama class, ceramics and chorus.
Sorry, I'm sure there are tons of more interesting uses. But since every time I read something time-travel related I end up looking for paradoxes and other gaffes, I'll have to just give this one.
We're simply mad
1. Are you attracted to the naughty or the nice?
I think just about anyone who knows me knows I'm attracted to the naughty. But not the truly naughty; the "naughty with just enough nice to drive you bats" naughty. Read any early posts related to ex-bf if you are doubtful of this. Oh, I've had crushes on nice guys, but I never end up dating them. Perhaps I should.
2. Do you let your dirty laundry pile up?
Yes. Though not in a "police evacuate 37 cats and a dumpster of garbage from single woman's apartment" kinda way.
3. What's the last excuse you made?
"I'm pooped". But that one's true.
4. Do you play it safe or do you take risks?
I've been pretty risky lately, for me. Of course, telling people how I really feel is a huge risk in my book, so I guess it's all proportional.
5. Friday fill-in:
Just one option? Okay then, but boooooy-howdy how I could have fun with this one. *weg*
Let's go to Uptown balcony and throw popcorn at each other.
Revenge of Mish-Mosh!
1) Remember the scene with Molly Ringwald putting lipstick on by holding it in her cleavage? Name one really bizarre thing you know how to do. No matter how small.
Wow! I know how to pick stuff up with my toes. Sign me up for the circus, boys!
2) What's your favourite way to pass the time?
Relaxing at home. It's the only sure-fire way to recharge my batteries.
3) What's your favourite restaurant and why?
Hmm. And yummmmm! I'm on a low-iodine diet for a thyroid scan right now, so no dairy, seafood or salt (though I can make stuff at home with anything that isn't iodized). And everything sounds good to me right now. Ev-ray-thang. But I guess I'll go with City Lights of China, because I can order from their Steamed/Sauce On The Side menu, which lets me pig out without worrying about how the saturated fat is sticking to my poor arteries. If I go hog-wild, I'd say someplace dripping with cheese that serves wings and/or ribs, like Rio Grande.
4) Which TV/Radio show did you like that's not aired any more?
I really loved Popular. And yes, I'm still bitter -- 5 years or so after they canceled it -- that they never were able to do a wrap-up episode. No fair ending the show on a cliffhanger people; at least pay for a final, ending, episode!
5) if you had a choice of learning another new language, what would you choose? what do you think that reflects about you?
I'd choose Japanese. My mom started to teach me when I was little, but she stopped "because Dad doesn't speak it" (though I've always secretly believed she didn't want her little half-breed adopted kid knowing her language, but whatever. No, that's not me being prejudiced, that's just a statement about my mom. She mistrusted everyone who wasn't Japanese. And even then, she probably wouldn't have trusted you either.) I've always thought of Japanese as my "family heritage", so that language is the one I'd choose. If I could pick another one, it'd be German. For similar reasons; my ex-hubby's grandmother was wonderful, and she always thought I could/should speak it. And I promised her I'd learn it. But I only have a smattering down (I can understand every 7-8 words or so, which is pathetic).