
May 11, 2007 11:39

Funky funky club on Fairfax Avenue
1. What do you obsess about?
Men mostly. But since I'm not in the market right now, I'm not really obsessing about anything. Of course, the ex-email has kicked my obsessive gene into hyperdrive, but I'm counting the seconds 'til I'm back to my normal self.
2. What do you do for a living?
As little as possible.
3. Where do you call home?
I'm still looking for home, but I live in a house with a roomie & two cats.
4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
I have no idea what my parents expectations were, except for me going to college and getting a 4-year degree. I did that. As the only child of asian parents, they probably wanted me to take care of them when they were no longer able to do so for themselves. Since they're both dead, that's probably off the table now (even though I would have done it, regardless of how crappy they were to me). And honestly? Living up to my parents expectations has never, never, ever been a priority. Or even on my radar.
5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?
Depends on my mood. And the time of day. I'm not a "it's 11am, where's my bottle of Jack?" kinda gal.

1. If you were a nocturnal animal, what nocturnal animal would you be?
Bengal tiger. Except for the whole "endangered, killed on sight" thing. Second choice? Fruit bat. Either way, I'd be cute -- they're both adorable. ;)
2. Which is better: to obey the law to avoid punishment, to obey the law because the law makes sense, or to obey the law because everyone should?
What do you mean "which is *better*"? Obeying the law is a good idea, especially when it comes to speeding, drinking & driving, or "don't hurt people" laws, if only to protect the general populace. In that instance, why you follows the law is irrelevant, because the outcome is the thing. But if you mean what would make you the "better" kind of person? Assuming you're coming from a typical American heartland perspective, with the whole Christian morality thing? Swallowing my bile at the idea of having to shove an ideal of morality down anyone's throat, I'd say the best reason to obey the law is because you're following your own personal ideology. Whether it's "do unto others", "harm none, do what you will" or anything else, my idea of the "better" reason to follow the rules is because you honestly don't want to unecessarily cause harm to someone else.
3. Who is your favorite all time movie villian?
Hmmmm. Darth vader. Yeah.
4. Are any kind of ethics involved in wearing a hat?
What, seriously? Literally? Uh, you shouldn't wear a beret if your not French? If you're talking figuratively, that's a discussion, not a Fiver answer.
5. When is the best time for you to take a 20 minute nap? Why?
Right now. I've got a hella busy late afternoon/evening planned, so resting up now would be peachy-keen.


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