Time for New Resolutions!

Jan 07, 2017 15:11

Including getting back to posting on a regular basis :D

Perky's 2017 Resolutions:

0. Be happy!

1. Get my passport! I intend to travel in 2918!

2. Save money for trip or pay off enough bills that I have credit available :D

3. Clear space for a new roommate, coming in September. Yes, that is nine months. No, I am not getting a kid, LOL! Good friend, though :)

4. Be healthier :)

I have a working copy of this with some finer details on how to achieve some of these.

Now, how did I do on my 2016 Resolutions?

Be Happy
--Done! :D I am happy!

Continue to lose weight
--....well, at least I didn't go up.

Finish Three Major Projects
--My bathroom has been repainted
--I rearranged my living room
--I reorganized my hall closet. No, really, that was a thing! I also reorganized my kitchen. Small steps, but still.

Find Love
--Romantic love, no. But I love my friends, I love my job, I love my scooter :D

Get a passport
--Uhm, well, there's a reason it's on 2017's resolution.

Hope you all had a great Season of Holidays and that the New Year brings you joy, health, and happiness!! :D

*squishes the flist*


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