Holy cow, I need to post more often!

Oct 07, 2015 19:38

So here is my day:

Went to work.

Was supposed to have a therapy appointment today to measure how my legs are doing, but my therapist was sick. (When I canceled the time off request, I said, "My doctor is sick." The request email back said, "They aren't supposed to do that!" and had a smiley face. Have I mentioned how much I love where I work?

The Department Boss is visiting for the Ever So Often Communication meetings this week (I got to go to one yesterday, very informative, rather fun!) and today was the Department BBQ and potluck. I wasn't together enough to bring anything, but I intend to next time!

After lunch was my monthly 1:1 with my Supervisor. He's a great guy. Tough, but fair. Eats the peppermints I leave out for people on my desk, too. (Soft ones, easy to eat quick before the next call comes in.) Yeah, I have something to work on. But overall, I think I'm doing well.

Trying to organize a couple of things at work. Have to keep pushing back Bowling Night, but I am not discouraged! :) Then today I sent out invites for our little department (we're a part of the big Department) to participate in a fun new walking challenge :)

After work I stopped off at the library and dropped off a couple of books...and paid my fine. Darn it. LOL Then I gassed up the ol' scooter. Between the two I spent just under $4. You may all now envy me for multiple reasons ;) LOL!

At the store I picked up my prescription, something for dinner tomorrow, some soda water, and some cottage cheese for my daily breakfast.

Helped a neighbor find her phone (called it until she found it and answered), and now I am sitting here typing as my dinner cooks. I got some "Tasty Brown Sauce" from Uwajimaya's last weekend, put it in with stew meat, potatoes and carrots. Yay dinner!

Okay, I'm going to burn some more stuff to CD that I've already seen, play a game or two, then watch more of a cute little drama when one of my friends comes online in a bit.

Hope everyone else is having a fabulous day! *hugs the flist*

job, cooking, japanese tv shows, friends, health

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