Time for another Perky Update!

Sep 09, 2013 15:02

September already...where does the time go?

Let's see. Recently I helped with a garage sale, went to Kumoricon, attended more meetings and yesterday helped with a Team Building Potluck Meeting for GameStorm.

The garage sale was...unexciting. Aside from my Mom and LadyD, two other people stopped off and bought things! It was a nice day and we had good signs and such, but I'm thinking the fact that most of the stuff we were selling were books and we started fairly late in the day wasn't the best for our sales. But we took stuff to Salvation Army after that and I'll do a run to Powell's later in the month and MamaG's garage will have more space again.

Kumoricon was a lot of fun! I got a few pictures, not a lot. I got a pic of Tezuka (at 1:30am after a panel!), three different Squalls, some shots of the park filled with cosplayers, a trio of Pikachus waiting for the elevator and several different Sailor Scouts :-) Again, I helped out with the Cosplay Contest. I totally blushed when people said what a good job I did and how much fun they had participating. I'm just glad that it is a fun experience for them, you know? Because it SHOULD be fun! Andie and I already have plans to improve things next year...especially so we don't have the same snafu with the Tech Crew. (We change the order from Rehearsal to Performance and they got really confused. I feel so bad about that :( But, after talking to them and making plans, this will NOT happen again! At least, not because of me!) I did manage to make it to a couple of panels in addition to the Cosplay stuff. The Yaoi panel was amusing! The other was for feedback on the Fan Fiction Contest. No, I didn't win :( But I got good feedback :-)

I think next year if I participate I will write something specifically for the contest, rather than sending in something I wrote for another person during the year. Some of the things I included to make it special for that person made my characters a bit OOC. ...also, even though it was judged anonymously, I do know at least one of the judges and she says that as I write like I talk...it was quite easy for her to tell that it was my story. So...good news is, I have a distinctive voice! Bad news is...perhaps it is a bit too distinctive in some cases? I need to make sure what I am writing is suitable for my voice, perhaps. I found it amusing, thank heavens! LOL

Meetings, meetings, meetings! K-con is over, but more meetings start up at the end of the month! Orycon is in full swing as it is only 2 1/2 more months to the convention! Eep! Crunch time! GameStorm is going smoothly, we still have seven months, after all.

The Team Building Potluck thing yesterday was for GameStorm, in fact. I came up with three exercises...turnout was low, but the participants were high quality :-) The first one, we paired up and sat back to back, then wrote down a description of what the other person looked like...I missed my partner's distinctive shoes and got his t-shirt wrong. Silly me. But it was good since the committee occasionally needs to be able to identify or describe people and we need to work on our observation skills!

The second one was Two Truths and a Lie. That was fun and we got to learn more about one another :-) We wrote down our statements, then each read them aloud and we all voted on which one people felt was not true. No one got mine right, LOL! I have never broken a bone is true! It was nice to know that people did believe that I have used the treadmill in my livingroom :-) Which I have. But I've never lived in Nampa, ID. Boise, Pocatello and Meridian, yes.

The last one showed what complete game geeks we all are. We divided into two teams and did the "Your Airplane is about to Crash, what do you take with you?" game. Except I changed it. We have all our survival gear already, what five games would you take with you? :D It was interesting that four of the five games each team picked were the same and for much the same reason. 1: Havoc. Aside from being fun itself, it is a complete card deck and therefor can be used to play any number of other card games! 2: Liar's Dice. Lots of six-sided dice. You can play a ton of games as long as you have dice. 3: Dominion. It's a very versatile game with lots of variations depending on what cards you use. 4: Betrayal on House on the Hill. Again, tons of variations! Also, as my team pointed out, it has figurines and tiles which you can use to do an RPG :D Number five was where we differed. We picked Tzolk'in and they picked Twilight Imperium...but for the same reason. If we were to be stuck on a deserted island for a month or two...long, complicated games that take a while to figure out is a bonus! *grin* We also eliminated several games, like Go or Chess, simply because, if you can draw out the board in the sand and have twigs and rocks you can make pieces, so why bring it?

So, that is what I have been up to. Health-wise I am starting to make a little progress again, yay! I've been generally chipper and working on stuff, even! I've even been increasing the number of jobs I apply for and have been doing some writing. Yay!

This week I have a job fair on Thursday and my Mom's birthday is Wednesday. Other than that, I will keep up the good work I've been doing and try harder to get a job and lose weight. It's a good plan I think :-)

*hugs you all*

kumoricon, gamestorm, orycon, general stuff, writing, job hunt, health

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