Prince of Tennis Meme

Jan 24, 2012 03:51

If you aren't in the PoT fandom, feel free to skip this :-)

How did you find out about PoT?: Friends from Kumoricon got me hooked by showing me pretty boys.
When was that?: 2010?
What was first for you: the anime or the manga?: The Tenimyu, actually. Then Anime and then Manga.
Did you begin reading/watching it from the beginning?: Yes. And straight through to the end. I'm a completist ;-)
If not, then at which point of the story?: Okay, to be honest, the first thing I saw was the first match against Hyoutei, then the very first musical.
What was your first impression?: ...Yum.

Do you download the manga?: Yes. I also own the first 27 English editions and of ShinPuri, the first 7 Japanese editions. (Frankly, I prefer the fan subbed stuff. The Official Translations convert the names so that everyone calls each other by their first names., thank you!)
Do you download the anime?: Yes. You can't buy that stuff around here and the dubbed stuff makes my ears bleed. (His name is not Kunimitsu!!)
Do you own original PoT manga books? (How many?): Original as in Japanese? Then...7 of the ShinPuri :-) Original as in Officially Liscensed, not a Copy? Yes, those, plus the 27 Tenipura in English.
Are they in your own language?: Only the ones translated into English!
Do you own original PoT anime DVDs? (How many?): No. Oh, how I wish I did. But you can't buy them locally and it costs more to ship them than it does to buy them in so many cases :-(
Are they in your own language?: N/A
Do you own any PoT merchandise?: Some
What kind?: I have a Ryoma Bear...I'm getting a couple of OneCoins...and I have a couple of other things floating about. Oh, and a couple of CDs I got second-hand :-)
Do you buy it regularly?: The manga, yes. Everything else, when I can afford it/it is available. So...not often.

Your favorite character: Inui :-) (After him are: Yagyuu, both Oshitaris, Atobe, Yanagi...)
Your least favorite character: Not counting the one-offs, like Higa's coach and the bullies? Tomoya. That girl takes annoying and obsessed to a level beyond my comfort. If we're talking of the actual players...then Chitose for some reason. I'm not sure why.
Your favorite team: It varies.
Your least favorite team: I have some that I'm not as familiar with, but I wouldn't say I have a least favorite.
The best game you've seen: Inui vs. Yanagi. many levels of Konomi messing with me (the reader). I loved it *grin*
The most boring game you've seen: Taka-san vs. Kabaji. I know it was important, plot-wise and character-wise, but the game itself was snoreCity.
Game you would yet like to see: Inui beating that guy at the U-17 camp.
Your favorite pairing: Pretty much Anyone/Inui/Anyone. I just love him to bits and think he works well with almost any other character :-)
Your least favorite pairing: Echizen or Kin-chan with anyone. They're 12. Unlike EVERYONE else, they actually look their ages. So no, thank you.
The character you're most like: Apparently, Fuji. Saa...really?

Do you write fanfiction?: Yes!
Do you draw fanart?: No :-(
Do you like reading fanfiction?: Yes!
Do you like looking at fanart?: Yes!
Your favorite fanfiction genre: well-written a genre?
Your favorite fanfiction rating: I'm good anywhere from G to NC-17. As long as it is well-written and the rating fits the story :-)
Your favorite fanfiction author: I don't have just one. I like a variety :-)
Your favorite fanart artist: I don't have just one. I like several!
Have you ever participated in a PoT cosplay?: Not yet. Hoping to in the future.
Do you collect PoT dojinshi?: Only what I've downloaded. I don't read Japanese so I am reliant on the generosity of people who translate it and make it available. :-)
Do you draw PoT dojinshi?: No one would want to see my sad little stick figures attempting to play tennis, let alone do something racy. Very sad.
Do you watch PoT AMVs?: No...but I'm willing! Links? Y/Y?
Do you make PoT AMVs?:

One word to describe PoT: Yay! (Does that count as a word?)
Is the above word 'crack'?: Of course not.
Are any of the PoT characters straight?: Honestly? Probably the majority of them. Does this have any bearing on what they are like in my imagination and fan fiction? No. :-)
Should Sakuno die?: No. She should start wearing Mary Sue repellent so some authors will stop wearing her like a skin in stories, though. Poor kid.
Do you like Ryuzaki-sensei?: Only when she is fully clothed. *shudders*
Was the season about Americans necessary in the anime?: ...considering they had caught up to the manga and needed filler so Konomi-sensei could get started on the Nationals...yes.
Tenipuri, Anipuri or Tenimyu?: Yes, please :-)
Who is the seme of the series?: Obviously Seigaku. They came out on Top, right?
Who is the uke of the series?: That would have to be St. Rudolph...they're the only team not to go to regionals (Kantou), right?
Tezuka or Tezubot?: Tezuka. The boy has emotions...they're just shy! LOL
Is it OK for Ryoma to be winning all the time?: From a plot point of view, I understand why he wins every official match...but man, that's annoying. It's important to learn how to lose gracefully, too, you know. Plus, as shown by Fuji, losing provides important character growth!
Who has the funniest hairstyle?: I'm going to go with Oishi. It's just...odd.
Who has the best fashion sense?: Well...that's a darned interesting question. I think I shall answer thusly: Atobe's seiyuu, Suwabe. The man looks good in ANYTHING. And trust me, we've come up with some interesting looks...he just carries it off. He even managed a rhinestone encrusted hoodie.
Oishi/Kikumaru - canon?: As canon as any...apparently Konomi-sensei likes to troll us :-)
Sengoku/Atobe - crack?: I haven't seen any, personally. But it does have a strong crack aura about it.

Would you like to live in the world of PoT?: Sure! As long as I get to be somewhere between 13-15!
Which team would you like to play in?: Seigaku, 'cause that's where Inui is. :-) Other than that, Rokkaku, because I think their coach has the best sense of balance.
Which character would you go out with?: Inui. He's my kind of geek :-)
Which character would you become friends with?: I was thinking of some of the peppier characters, then realized my friends are more like: Choutarou, Sanada, Tezuka...the calm, often no-nonsense types (and the occasional Shishido and Yuuta). I guess I'm their token perky person? LOL!
Which tennis technique would you like to learn?: Tezuka Zone would be fun. Yes, I would like to learn to suck balls.
Which character would you most like to play against?: NOT Inui. Would love to play Doubles with him though! LOL. Niou would be interesting though....

Do you love Atobe?: I am totally Awed by his Prowess :-) (And the fact that he WORKS for his skills. He sweats, he practices, he works hard. Yes, he's charismatic and rich...but he's earned the right to be where he is!)


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