Aug 18, 2011 22:43
I am one tired, tired Perky, I'm telling you. I last updated this last Saturday...let's see.
Sunday, had the second to the last Kumoricon meeting, followed by breakouts and general insane laughing because we're so close to the convention, then I met up with Chica and her mom, K (who is MG's sister) to go over stuff.
Monday, went to MG's and went through boxes and boxes of stuff. My heaven's K is a hard working woman! She organized all the books and weeded out the many duplicates and pulled out stuff MG didn't want anymore (her husband liked horror, she doesn't). We also did more laundry.
Tuesday, I took MG's van to the mechanic to get a full look over. I walked home (it is a mile), then immediately was picked up by the Librarian and ActuarialMan to take them to the airport as they were headed to World Con in Reno! Afterwards, I went over to MG's house and...went through more boxes and did more laundry. Before returning home, the kitties were cared for!
Wednesday, I picked up the van, which has (an?) oil leak and...complicated mechanic stuff, I need to drive it 50-75 miles and bring it back so they can see where the leak is, now that they cleaned under the car. Again, off I went to MG's! This time after going over and taking care of the kitties first. I did have to leave early though, because of my long-standing weekly Wednesday night plans with friends. I was so tired, hungry, sore and dirty when we were done...and that was only half of the garage! After a shower, I was clean, after some food I wasn't hungry...but the tired and sore still lingers! :-) I did have to go over and feed the kitties and put out the trash at the Librarian's too. I almost forgot the trash!
Thursday (today)...I went over and watered the tomatoes, fed the kitties, came home, switched cars, took all of MG's, the Librarian's and my own cans and bottles in. Then I drove to MG's and loaded her van up with Hazardous Waste (lightbulbs, cans of paint, old cleaning supplies, batteries and a sharps container that had been MG's husband's). After working on the garage some more, I drove to the Metro Processing Center, paid my $5 and got rid of all that junk! Yay! Then I switched cars again, went to a movie with friends (it was for J's birthday!). Afterwards...yup, back to MG's for another couple of hours working on that darned garage! Plus I put out ALL the recycling we had built up since last Friday and ALL the trash! Trust me, this did not fit in the bins! When I realized that the little bugs landing on me were mosquitoes, though, I called it quits and came home! (After a quick stop to feed the kitties again.)
So, tomorrow's plan is to take the van back to the mechanic, walk home, go and feed the kitties and water the tomatoes, hopefully remember to eat, then go and help out with the Garage Sale at MG's.
Saturday and Sunday...I desperately need to do MY laundry, wash MY dishes and rest until my back and knees stop aching. *sighs* I really hope I can. I love MG dearly, but I cannot put my life on hold, the stress is too much. And Monday I have to pick my friends up at the Airport again!
Anyway...that's what I've been up to this week!