The State of the Perky Address

Aug 12, 2011 16:53

Hi! I've been lurking about and commenting hither and yon, but I haven't updated recently. Terribly sorry!

So, here is what I have been up to:

Still looking for work. *sigh*

Still trying to lose weight. *sigh*

Kumoricon is less than a month away, I've been working hard to keep up with the stuff I need to get done for that. I have a meeting on Wednesday with the Event Services group to make sure we're all on the same page for Pipe and Drape, rope and stanchion and various other needs. It is good.

Okay, now for the big time sink and stress cause: Last Thursday, a good friend of mine, Mama Guineth, was admitted to the hospital. At first we were all afraid it was a blood clot, but it is simply a nasty infection in her leg (bleh!). So of course I've been visiting her every other day or so. However, since her husband's passing two months ago, she's...not been doing as well as we would all like. So, since last Thursday I have (with some help from Lady D and the Chica):

Filled MG's trash bin twice (Friday is trash day)
Filled MG's recycle bin twice
Recycled 20+ cardboard boxes
Gotten the Transmission serviced in MG's van
Taken almost all the dirty laundry downstairs to the washroom
Done seven loads of laundry (just under half of what needed to be done)
Folded most of the clean laundry
Helped Chica put a new bed in the back room after Chica straightened it up.
Helped Chica put books on shelves
Put all the DVDs back on shelves
Put all the medical supplies in the back room.
Straightened up the living room.
Did not clean the kitchen (that was done by a professional)
Ran a load of dishes.
Helped the futon go away.
Got rid of the broken footstool and mirror.
Bought and installed a new tube on MG's CPAP. The old one had a hole that she'd repaired with duct tape. *sigh*
Showed the contractor around for an estimate for house repairs.

Stuff that still needs to be done:
More laundry
More dishes
Several boxes of papers need to be gone through
Magazines need to be put in holders
Straighten up MG's desk area, closet, dining room table and garage
Get rid of the old freezer
Get rid of the medical supplies to an organization that needs them
Get the rest of the van checked out and serviced as needed.
Prepare for a garage sale.

Whew! I've been busy, busy, busy! Hardly home except for in the evenings...and yesterday for some unknown reason, my Internet wasn't working! *POUT* Just as mysteriously it is working again today, but the repair guy is still supposed to be coming at some point today. Who knows when, though.

Okay, on the good front:

The Librarian got a bug to do more tie-dying this summer :-) We've done blue, tonight is purple, tomorrow is green and when she returns from her trip next week, we'll do some red. Yay! I will have "new" shirts! And some actual new ones as I went and got some $3 shirts from Old Navy as well.

My own home is...clean-ish. I have some laundry to do next week (see mention of Librarian's trip next week ;-) Today I took out all my trash and am running some dishes. Yay!

Yesterday, since I had no Internet (how do they expect me to exist without the Internets??) I went over and borrowed a friend's (thank you again, Rathany!!!) and she introduced me to a cool new restaurant where she can eat the food and there was food I could eat too :-) It's called Laughing Planet and is all-organic, all-natural burritos, bentos and smoothies. And tasty too!

Then I went to the store, got me some chips I could eat, sat on my couch and watched a movie while putting rubber bands on the shirts to be dyed tonight and tomorrow :-)

And here I am again today, back on the Internets and just waiting for the Qwest guy to come :-)

All in all:
Stress 8
Energy 7
Health 8
Perkiness 10 ;-) is everyone else doing?

cleaning, kumoricon, friends

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