blowjobs make me smile

Jun 09, 2006 12:55

This may get my homo-membership revoked, but I FINALLY watched a few episodes of Queer as Folk. Wow, I had no idea I was missing out on such lovely softcore porn.

In a few more hours I'll be sitting in the chair and gritting my teeth - otherwise known as getting ink. I think we'll finish up redfish's scales and get a good start on his ample finnage. Adam's speed has consistantly been a pleasant suprise. He's getting really fast while developing a light touch - the best of both worlds! I need to remember to be overly optimistic when applying the magic numbing cream. I don't want a repeat of cruising through the numb areas in an hour to sit though boney parts without. I've earned my badass points without the lidocaine, now its time to get this finished and heal quickly. Not the the lidocaine is numb... it still hurts - sometimes a lot, but it takes the edge off of most of it. I've also found I heal twice as fast with the lidocaine. I assume it's due to less endorphines and physical stress during the process, so the body has more energy left to heal.


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