(no subject)

Oct 14, 2008 20:24

As I browsed Wikipedia the other day, I saw an article criticism that warned "this article may contain an excessive amount of intricate details which may only interest a specific audience. The article could be improved by integrating relevant items and removing inappropriate ones." I really feel that if I heeded cautionary statements such as these in real life, I would not have met a single interesting person in either high school or college. I doubt any of my current, lasting friendships would have passed conception.
I feel people tend to make their most lasting impressions when they are allowed to speak passionately about their interests. Sometimes these lasting impressions precede the initial meeting. I know two people who were approached by an individual who opened the encounter with "You know what sucks? Space elves. You know what rocks? Space orks." News of this ork-inclined individual spread swiftly through the social circles, and for better or for worse, he ended up sticking around, along with his catchphrase.

Break for lack of direction.

I really have no idea where I was going with this post initiated Oct 10. Please forgive the lapse in thought and direction.
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