Ahaha, wow, I'm a failure. So... first, I realized that the new Doctor Who series had begun, and that the first episode was going to air on BBC America tonight (last night?) at 9PM. Which meant that, OOPS, I'd missed the Christmas special! So I needed to go find it! Immediately I started looking all over the place for a decent torrent, but everything was terrible and not working.
...And then I realized that it had been a sufficiently long enough time that, uh, MAYBE I SHOULD JUST CHECK ITUNES. And there it was! Fail.
Buuut yeah. Now I've seen The End Of Times Parts 1 & 2, and The Eleventh Hour.
So wow, first of all, I gotta admit... I was really hoping that Donna was going to have a much bigger role in all of this. But I'm glad that The Doctor and Wilf buddied around! That much did make me happy. And, oh man, my favorite part? Was definitely after Donna had her little explosion in the alley, and then we just see The Doctor grinning through his bonds and that wink. "But really, did you think I'd leave my best friend without a defense mechanism?" I just, I just smiled so damn much at that line. I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP, SO MUCH. (I just wish that he'd made a better defense mechanism so that, y'know, they could have gone on adventuring through space and time! Alas.)
The Doctor's fixation on not wanting to die or regenerate was just so visceral, I really felt that desperate fear of his throughout the whole storyline. And my heart broke a little when he realized what he was up against, and broke down and took up Wilf's gun. It really speaks to how much the Time War destroyed part of him that he was willing to potentially give up his personal morals of non-violence just to prevent any of that from returning to the universe. (Even though, uh, there seems to always be destruction around him anyway.) And then, oh god, after all of that, and he was so shocked that he was still alive - and how he was so warily elated about it, oh, that just broke me to bits - and then the four knocks. Oh god. I could just feel all of that relief drain right out of him when he realized that he was never supposed to escape his fate. And all because of who he was, that he just couldn't leave Wilf to rot like that, because then he wouldn't be The Doctor. It was such a heartbreaking end, but very touching all the same. It hurt so much, but still I loved it.
As for the new series... Hm. I don't know how I feel about that just yet. On the one hand, I do think I will grow to be fond of Eleven, but he's still at that awkward, not-quite-settled point of his regeneration, so it's hard to say. I remember being all weirded out and iffy about ten when he'd first regenerated, though, so it's likely that I'll end up liking Eleven just fine. And Amy seems a bit high-strung (not to mention a little crazy), but she'll probably mellow out a bit with a good dose of time-traveling adventures! The one thing I am definitely not comfortable with so far, though, is the rebooting of the TARDIS and the sonic screwdriver. That was just... really unnecessary, I think. I mean, I'm glad it wasn't changed completely, that there's still familiar elements to it, but c'mon! The TARDIS was really the heart of The Doctor, the heart of the show, and for it to be updated like that just felt kind of... I dunno, cheap. (Same for the main titled sequence, and logo. Urgh.) But, maybe I'll get used to it? Still, I'm pretty sure that Ten will always be "my Doctor," and so anything else will always be based in comparison to that era, so maybe this feeling of weirdness is normal.
Also? When I watched The Eleventh Hour, my brother watched it with me, I guess 'cause he had nothing better to do? idk. But it was just kind of hilarious, because he'd never seen Doctor Who before, and he was always so damn shocked that I actually knew shit about the show, ahaha. Example:
Owen: "What was that?"
Kate: "A sonic screwdriver, duh."
Owen: "Oh, of course. Silly me."
And he asked me about how the hell the whole death/regeneration thing worked, and why the hell was Eleven so fucking crazy at the beginning (because, uh, that's normal post-regeneration behavior?), and other random stuff. It was actually pretty fun! :D Yay, I'm a geek.