The Empowerments - Part 3

Jul 26, 2005 15:05

I after collecting the water from the pool I headed back to the altar rock. I saw that I was a little too late as James had just finished receiving his points. TAG was hunched over a bit, breathing hard, and drenched in sweat. James looked a little queasy. He rocked back a forth for a minute and then laid down across the altar rock. I did not see if James had gone off to mediate or what points he had received. I am still not certain other than he told me vaguely that there was one point on the crown of his head and some in his solar plexus.

I had not planned to jump into the empowerments quite so quickly but I saw that I needed to do it then - right then. I get the impression - and he can comment on the accuracy of this - that once TAG opens to energy pathways that the energy keeps flowing. He can only maintain it for so long but, once it is open, there is no real stopping and taking a break. I had decided before reaching the mountain which points I planned to receive. I decided the general area and then went to look up the points that corresponded to that area. I felt certain those were the right points for me since when Karma handed me the info packet it was already turned to the page with those points listed at the top.

I know that we all end up saying at some point, “I don’t know exactly what got empowered. I don’t remember this or that.” And I imagine that seems a little odd. After all we were there, these are points on OUR bodies - were we stoned or not paying attention; are we extremely forgetful? No - none of the above. The empowerment process is extremely intense - it is hard to think clearly afterwards and damn near impossible to think at all during it.

So here is my best account of what I points I received:

I wanted the points on my stomach/solar plexus area done. I had glanced over the general location of them in the notes but once things get going it seems best to point TAG in a general direction and let him do his thing. I laid back on the rock and did just that. The points are listed as Left and right abdomen but when I indicated which points I wanted activated TAG did a series down the center of the stomach. I think I remember his charging one on the left side and one on the right side just below my rib cage with the stick and water I had brought back to him but I am not sure which points those are. I believe it would be 24 and 28. Then he started down the center, this time with his fingers and thumb rather than the stick, which he had been using as a wand. He warned that the first two would feel strange and asked me to confirm this as he went. The first one was right above the scar left by my gallbladder surgery a month ago and the second was right below it. He was right - it felt strange. I felt like a live wire had been applied to my skin. There was a radiating energy that started at the points of contact - one where his forefinger and index finger touched and one where his thumb, level with his fingers but about an inch to the right, touched. Then there was a strong vibration. I don’t mean this in the typical magickal sense of vibrating energy or a wave of energy/sensation. I mean this literally - as if a vibrator had been pushed through the surface of my abdomen and into the organs underneath. Then there was a wave of nausea. This same sensation occurred at both of these points. TAG mentioned later that he felt a distinct drain of his energies when working these two (maybe four - notes later) points and believed it was related to the surgery - as if the tissue underneath was still damaged and pulling on any energy that it could use to fuel the healing process.

He moved on to the third point, about an inch or two below the second center point, and said he didn’t think this should feel as strange - again he was right. There was the same radiating electricity and a slighter sense of vibration but not nearly as deep or intense and no nausea.

It gets fuzzy here again because I think he moved down another inch or so below the third and charged a fourth. Again there was the intense vibration and nausea. It is strange that I can clearly remember the sensation of this point being activated but I am not entirely sure it actually happened. The reaction makes sense because this is directly above my naval where there is another incision scar from my surgery. He finished a stood up. It somehow felt incomplete to me and I asked him to do one more below my navel. He stated that is part of another set but activated it anyway. This was not the completion I was looking for - there was a sharp pain at the base of my spine and no vibration. I think I might want this point redone a part of its own set.

Following these points I asked that he activate the points on the inside of my wrists. He started with the right but complained that he felt it should be done with both at the same time; however, he could not reach both without standing straddled over me. I told him that was fine as I agreed the energy felt lop-sided. He straddled me and pinned both wrists against the rock with his forefingers and index fingers pressed into the inside of my wrist. He had to stop for a moment as my bone mala was covering the left point. He tried going through the strands but said in was blocking him. I took it off and he asked what it was made of - I don’t think he really heard me when I said bone. He asked if it was synthetic and I said no - he responded with curiosity as it is usually synthetics that block him. (Later he realized it was bone and understood it could not be penetrated because it was dead - his lineage prohibits him for touching dead things.) He resumed his position. The vibration started immediately. The energy/shock made me arch my back and let out a loud moan. The energy intensified and he picked up my arms, placing one finger on the inside and one on the outside of my wrist - shooting the energy through my wrists. TAG had mused when I had my palms charged that he felt like he was crucifying me but this really FELT like he was crucifying me! The energy sent shock waves through my body and it writhed about completely out of my control. I must have gasped or moaned again and I believe TAG was breathing very heavily at this point because James later said we sounded like we were having sex. TAG then jerked my arms up toward him by pulling my wrists together over my body. He slapped my palms together and rapidly slid his hand up my hands and passed my fingertips. I am not entirely sure James was wrong because that moment felt much like the release of a strong orgasm. TAG nearly fell on top of me, he wavered and fell against the tree behind him instead. I knew he was almost tapped. I called to Tasha to go get Karma as I felt it might be now or never for her.

Looking back I am trying to determine exactly which points were activated - ALLEN HELP ME HERE!!

I am guessing that, if they did in fact occur, the first two (the ones right below the rib cage on either side) were these points:

24 PRINCE OF THE TABERNACLE-left upper abdomen 1-Gallia-Zid

28 KNIGHT OF THE SUN-right upper abdomen 1 -Caspis-Zax

Following that is the series leading down the center of my abdomen. As I said before, these are listed as right and left. I have not found any that indicate location in the center of the abdominal region. TAG will have to clarify this but I now think that maybe this series was activating two at a time (fingers and thumb - two points of contact) progressing thusly:

25 KNIGHT OF THE BRAZEN SERPENT-left abdomen 2-Illyria-Zip and 29 KNIGHT OF ST ANDREW-r ab 2-Germania-Zax

26 PRINCE OF MERCY-left abdomen 3-Sogdiana-Zip and 30 KNIGHT KADOSH-r ab 3-Trenam-Zax

and then 27 KNIGHT COMMANDER OF THE TEMPLE-left abdomen 4/left wrist inside-Lydia-Zip and 31 INSPECTOR INQUISITOR-r ab 4/right wrist inside-Bithynia-Ich

These descriptions are copied directly out of TAG’s notes. I can not find a point listed as being located one inch below the naval though he did state that point started another series, which included the genitals, rectum, and base of the spine. Allen - can you show me which point/series that is in relation to your notes?

The following notes are from TAG’s research and work with an acupuncturist. These make very little sense to me and are of little help. There are; however, a couple of notes that I put in bold that are of particular interest both in regards to this empowerment and the previous empowerment that I received a month or so ago.

24 PRINCE OF THE TABERNACLE-left upper abdomen 1-Gallia-Zid Stomach 19 (Burong- not contained) 6 cun superior and 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus; Stomach 20 (Chengman- supporting fullness) -2 cun lateral to the midline and 5 cun superior to the umbilicus; Stomach 21 (Liangmen- beam gate)-2 cun lateral to the midline, 4 cun superior to the umbilicus; Stomach 22 (Guanmen- pass gate) 2 cun lateral to the midline, 3 cun superior to the umbilicus; Stomach 23 (Taiyi- Supreme Unity) -2 cun lateral to the midline, 2 cun superior to the umbilicus; Spleen 16 (Fuai- Abdomen sorrow) in the depression at the lateral border of the rectus abdominal muscle, 3 cun superior to the umbilicus; Kidney 17 (Shangqu- Shang Bend) on the upper abdomen, 2 cun above the umbilicus, .5 cun lateral to the midline; Kidney 18 (Shiguan- Stone Pass) On the upper abdomen, 3 cun above the umbilicus, .5 cun lateral to the midline; Kidney 19 (Yindu- Yin Metropolis) on the upper abdomen, 4 cun above the umbilicus, .5 cun lateral to the midline; Kidney 20 (Futonggu- Abdomen connecting valley) On the upper abdomen, 5 cun above the umbilicus, .5 cun lateral to the midline; Kidney 21 (Youmen- Hidden Gate) on the upper abdomen, 6 cun above the umbilicus, .5 cun lateral to the midline

25 KNIGHT OF THE BRAZEN SERPENT-left abdomen 2-Illyria-Zip Liver 3 (Zhangmen- Completion Gate) Directly anterior and inferior to the free end of the eleventh rib; Gall Bladder 27 (Wushu- Five Pivots) On the depression just anterior to and inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine, approximately at the level of the point 3 cun below the umbilicus; Gall Bladder 28 (Weidao- Linking path) .5 cun anterior to and inferior to Wushu, GB 27; Gall Bladder 26 (DaiMai- Girdling Vessel) Directly below Zhangmen, Liver 13 (anterior and inferior to the free end of the eleventh rib) at the level of the umbilicus; Kidney 16 (Huangshu- vitals shu) on the abdomen, .5 cun lateral to the center of the umbilicus; ( could also be one cun lateral to the midline as is noted in a certain ancient text) Spleen 15 (Daheng- Great Horizontal) On the abdomen, in the depression in the lateral border of the rectus abdominus muscle, level with the umbilicus; Stomach 25 (Tianshu- Heaven’s Pivot) on the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus

26 PRINCE OF MERCY-left abdomen 3-Sogdiana-Zip See Above

27 KNIGHT COMMANDER OF THE TEMPLE-left abdomen 4/left wrist inside-Lydia-Zip See above for abdomen. There are no points which are specifically related to abdominal points on the inside of the wrist. However, There is a point on the outside of the wrist, Waiguan (outer pass) SanJiao 5 (2 cun proximal from the wrist joint) that is related to the point known as Dai Mai GB 26. It is a coupled point related to the DaiMai- the vessel that encircles the waist including GB 26. SJ 5 has a sister point, Pericardium 6 , known as Neiguan or inner pass, also 2 cun from the wrist joint, but on the inside of the arm between the two tendons. These points are said to be involved in the transfer of internal power in the higher levels of TaiJi. I suppose kind of like a bullhorn, where the power is projected through the Lao Gong point on the palm and “passed” through these two points, (if I am interpreting accurately from my experience doing the form). Does this make sense to you?

28 KNIGHT OF THE SUN-right upper abdomen 1 -Caspis-Zax See Left Upper abdomen

29 KNIGHT OF ST ANDREW-r ab 2-Germania-Zax See Left Abdomen

30 KNIGHT KADOSH-r ab 3-Trenam-Zax See Left Abdomen

31 INSPECTOR INQUISITOR-r ab 4/right wrist inside-Bithynia-Ich See Above

This is getting very long - I will pick up with Karma's points in another post.

points chaud, arabia, mojo, magick

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