Last time with the Benson family, Mona became a plantsim and started a plantsim legacy which earns points for this challenge. It didn't slow her down any in her intimate pursuits, however. Carter started dating neighbor Bree Wilcox and they're still going strong.
Mona needed a little boost in the romance department as her time is running out. She bought some really cool shades to help her convince the menfolk a little faster!
But first she needed to turn back into a human sim. In this challenge, plantsims don't count towards points for the challenge, so back into a human she goes!
Pretty sparklies!
Seeing as how she already had the garden club over (she bought the plant-tonic from him), she might as well get down to business and try to score another lover.
Looks like the shades worked rather well. Garden club member Mason Clifford became #10 on her bedpost.
Meanwhile, little plantbaby Lavender grew up. She's a Fortune/Popularity sim with a LTW to own 5 top businesses. Of course, it doesn't matter because she won't be going for it since plantsims don't count towards points. She's only here to have more plant-babies!
It's a good thing she doesn't need a man to have plant-babies, because she has yet to find any worth her time.
Lavender was not happy to see that her mother is no longer a plantsim. Sorry Lavender, we need moar points!
She gets along really well with her little nephew Carter, even though Carter changed her little plant diapers during her toddlerhood.
Mona loves the wishing well, and so do I. Instant love, coming right up!
Thanks to the wishing well, Troy Fratster becomes #11.
Lavender gets working on that plantsim legacy!
And little Hyacinth makes generation 2 for the plantsims (Mona doesn't count as the founder, Lavender does). She's so cute!
Lavender and Hyacinth enjoy playing out in the sunlight. I thought about building them a little treehouse to live in, but never actually got around to it.
Even though she's no longer a plantsim, Mona is still very excited to have another grandchild.
When the sun goes down, Lavender and Hyacinth move inside under the sunlights for a quiet evening of skill building.
Carter is still around. He's been spending a lot of time practicing romance moves in the mirror lately.
His long time girlfriend, Bree Wilcox, is very appreciative of his higher charisma skills!
But he still finds time to play with his little cousin. Gah, Hyacinth is adorable!
Mona scores #13 with Twikkii native Darren Johnson.
Her #12 lover, Stephan Go, unfortunately was there to witness it. He was not happy to say the least.
Not happy at all!
But that didn't stop Mona from moving on to #14, Jessie Miguel.
Mona started running out of men in town, so she moved on to her best friend, townie Deidra Bishop for #15.
With Hyacinth still too little to help in the garden, Mona still has to pitch in every once in awhile. She enjoys the time with her daughter and their plants.
Not too long later, Hyacinth had her birthday! She's a Popularity/Fortune sim with a LTW to earn $100,000. But really she's just going to be gardening and having a plantbaby of her own!
Lavender is excited to have another helper in the garden!
Mona's days were running down and being so close to her LTW and the impossible want, I couldn't let that happen! So she had a little sip from the elixir of life.
Feeling younger than ever, Mona makes teen townie Abhijeet Turner #16. I know, I know. Elder + teen couple = gross. But I don't have that many townies and she's running out of options! It's all about the points, people!
Somehow I didn't get a picture of Mona's 17th lover but she did get one more out of the way. She should reach her LTW of 20 simultaneous loves in the next round! And hopefully we'll see the birth of the 3rd generation plantsim! Thanks for reading. :)