Dec 14, 2008 13:59
A few things that have happened since I last blogged:
- John and I took part in a surprise party for Miranda's 25th birthday. I've never been in a surprise party before (as a surpriser that is, I was a surprisee on my 12th birthday); it was a lot of fun :)
- We saw the Thermals play in Capitol Hill. The venue was really small and during the opening act the Thermal's lead singer, Hutch Something-or-other, was wandering around so John and I went over and talked to him for a bit, which was pretty cool. The show was awesome.
- I finished my fifth quarter of grad school. I'm now on winter break until January 5th :)
- I've been working a lot. Normally I just work in the morning, but since I've been on break I've been doing mornings, afternoons, and nights, which is cool.
A few things that are coming up in the near future:
- I'm flying into Maryland on Dec. 17th and staying until Dec. 28th. While there I'm going to drive up to New Jersey to visit my brother, see John's family, try on bridesmaid dresses with Erin, help out at my mom's elementary school, go to an art exhibit in DC with my parents, celebrate my dad's birthday, go shopping with my mom, and lots of other fun stuff.
- On January 5th, the blog I'm creating for my Master's Project,, will go live. Very exciting!