Jan 01, 2008 08:51
Wow, it’s already 2008! A livejournal entry I wrote on January 2nd, 2007 ends with the statement, “2007= YEAR OF ALECE”. This turned out to be 100% true and while I enjoyed every second of my year, it’s time to pass the title on to someone else. Any takers???
So, here’s my New Year’s Resolution:
Whenever I’m talking to someone and they make a statement about themselves, the first thing I say will be something about them or what they said, not about myself. For example if someone says, “I think Of Montreal has really weird music videos”, the first thing I say will be something like, “Oh, which videos have you seen?”, or “Do you like their music?”, rather than, “Yeah totally, I’ve seen them live twice and both times they did all this crazy shit, oh man it was nuts”. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with responding to a statement with a comment that directly addresses the topic but relates to you and your opinions/ experiences/ etc, BUT I do think it’s important to be aware of how often you jump right in and start talking about yourself. This resolution has its origin in a conversation I had with Miranda months and months ago while walking from Office Max back to Literacy Source. We were discussing how self centered our generation is, but not in the materialistic me me me way that the teens of the 1980s were. Instead, people of our generation seem to think that our thoughts, opinions, ideas, and feelings are inherently important and should be valued by everyone, not just ourselves. Of course I don’t think everyone in my generation fits this mold, but many of the people I know (usually middle class, college educated with a liberal arts degree, trying to live a mindful life, etc.) definitely tend to prize their unique existence and it’s accompanying values and insights to a fairly extreme degree. As the sole contributor to a blog primarily concerned with my thoughts and feelings, I figure I’m already entirely too fond of hearing myself talk (or type I guess...whatever). I have a feeling this is going to be a hard resolution to carry out, especially with people I’m close to and am comfortable talking with, but I figure I’ll give it a shot.
Winter quarter starts Monday. According to professors and 2nd year students, this quarter is the hardest of the entire program. I’m taking 5 more credits than last quarter, but the classes all look fairly interesting:
Neuroscience With Laboratory for Rehabilitation Professionals
Medical Science
Functional Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Functional Anatomy Cadaver Laboratory
Occupational Performance through the Life Span
It’s a “lock-step” program, so everyone takes the same classes- it’s not like we get to choose the courses, dates, times, etc. Some people don’t like the lack of control that accompanies lock-step programs, but I don’t mind. I think I’m most looking forward to the Medical Science class, the online description claims that it consists of “Lectures in fields related to: general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, internal medicine, neurology, rehabilitation medicine, orthopedics, psychiatry and behavioral sciences, rheumatology, and pediatrics”. Sounds pretty cool. I still need to buy my textbooks- last quarter they cost almost $700, but we were assured that this would not be the norm. I’ve got my fingers crossed….