hp meme + thing on goblet of fire

May 21, 2009 23:04

It's the Harry Potter Meme to End All Memes. And it's really fun to fill out. But incredibly long.


The Books in Order from Favorite to Least Favorite:
1. Goblet of Fire
2. Half-Blood Prince
3. Order of the Phoenix
4. Chamber of Secrets
5. Prisoner of Azkaban
6. Sorcerer’s Stone
7. Deathly Hallows (maybe I’ll like it better when I read it again)

Number of Times You Have Read the Series:
1. 4? I think?
2. 4 or 5
3. 4 or 5
4. Dozens lol probably 6 or 7 (I really can’t remember, I was little when I read these)
5. 3
6. 3
7. 1

I guessed mostly, I didn’t really keep track over the years :P

Favorite Chapter from Your Favorite Book:
Goblet of Fire: It’s a toss up between the chapter with the Second Task and the chapter with Voldy in the graveyard at the end of the book. I read this book for the first time when it came out-I was 10 or 11 and I was amazed by the ending. A CHARACTER DIED LIEK OMG!!!!111

Five Favorite Characters:
Pansy (mostly invented by fandom…but I think there’s more to her in the books!)

Three Least Favorite Characters:
Lavender (gag! She was so annoying!)
Cho (yeah…urgh. Basically, all of the random people the trio hooked up with along the way)

Fortunately I like all of the long lasting characters.

Favorite Member of the Trio:

Three Favorite Magical Creatures:
Blast-Ended Skrewt (they just sound funny)

Favorite Family:
Ugh you know what? It’s a tie between the Weasleys and the Malfoys. The Malfoys simply crack me up with their noses all in the air, though my humorous viewpoint mostly comes from fanon. The Weasleys are just made of awesome. Of course, if I had to pick one family to live with, it would be the Weasleys.

Favorite Villain:
Draco! *cuddles* Sure he wasn’t very villainous, and quite often I just wanted to snuggle him because he’s such a crybaby, but yeah…he’s my favorite :D Once you RP them you just look at them differently!

Favorite Death Eater:
Lucius, because he’s a Malfoy and he has blonde hair of awesome.

Favorite Non-Hogwarts Magical Building:
The Ministry of Magic (I would love to explore the Department of Mysteries, especially as it was described in OotP. It kind of sucked in the movie.)

Favorite Diagon Alley Location:
Flourish and Blotts (It has a rather nice ring to it, doesn’t it?)

Three Favorite Spells:
Sectumsempra: ONLY because it’s fun to say. I wouldn’t actually want to slash someone to ribbons.
Apparate: because it would be fun to disappear to somewhere else
Bat Bogey Hex: it sounds quite fun to do!

Three Favorite Potions:
Felix Felicis (because it would be awesome)
Amortentia (because I loved that chapter!)
Veritaserum (again, just cause it’s fun to say)

Favorite Unforgivable Curse:
I know, it’s super bad, but I swear, that part where Moody was teaching it in both the movie and the book, it gave me those good shivers. I dunno.

Favorite Department of Mysteries Room:
To tell you the truth, I haven’t read that book in several years so I can’t really remember…the scene with Ron and the brains sticks out in my mind the most, so I guess I’ll go with that until I reread that book.

Biggest Surprise:
The fact that Snape (ZOMG) loved Harry’s mom! It was just…weird…I thought he would turn out to be a good guy but I just did NOT see that coming!

Biggest Letdown:
THAT RETARDED EPILOGUE. (Seriously? Those poor children.)
Oh, and the fact that Ron could just spit out Parseltongue because he’d heard Harry do it a couple times. It just didn’t seem realistic.

Favorite Mode of Transportation:
Broomstick! Even though it’s a bit slower than say, a Portkey or Apparating.

Favorite Weasley:

Favorite Order Member:
I think I’ll go with Lupin, because I’ve always liked him.

Favorite pet:
Hedwig, that poor owl…

One Character You’d Bring Back to Life:
Snape of course! I actually cried!

Moment That Will Always Make You Cry:
Cedric dying in Goblet (or at least, the part where Harry brings his body back and is crying over it)
Snape conjuring the Patronus for Harry
Dumbledore’s death, from HBP
The whole school standing behind Harry at the end

Quite a few bits.

Favorite Hogwarts Room:
The Room of Requirement, and the Gryffindor Common Room because many cool things happened there.

Favorite Class:
Defense of the Dark Arts, because it’s interesting to see what each different teacher does with it

Favorite Teacher:
Lupin or Mad-Eye Moody. Even if it wasn’t the real Moody, I shall forever remember Malfoy the Bouncing Ferret and “CONSTANT VIGILANCE!”

Favorite DADA teacher:
Lupin. Everyone liked him, because he was awesome and knew what he was doing!

Least Favorite Teacher:
Lockhart. Stupid bloke…

Favorite Non-Human Hogwarts Resident:
Dobby I suppose? Even though he was annoying, he could be helpful.

Favorite Hogsmeade Location:
Zonko’s (I really think I could spend half the day looking around in there) and The Three Broomsticks because it sounds relaxing.

Favorite Triwizard Champion:
I’m going to say Harry because he had to put up with so much shit XD

Favorite Triwizard Task:
Tie between the Lake and the Maze. Both were infinitely more interesting to me than the dragons one.

Which Character You’d Ask to the Yule Ball:
Either Ron or Neville. I dunno, Neville just seems like a sweetie. And especially after DH, in which he was unexpectedly awesome!

Which Character You’d Like to Use a Love Potion On:
Urgh, I don’t think I’d try that on anyone. They don’t come to any good!

Which Character You’d Like to Use Veritaserum On:
Before DH, I would have said Snape since everyone was so curious about him and it was getting to me.

How Long You Have Been a HP Fan:
Since 1999 I think…10 years. Damn I feel old.

Favorite Wizard Rock Band:
The Ministry of Magic! I just love their sound, and their songs make me smile.

Number of Midnight Releases You Have Attended:
1. I would have gone to HBP, but I was away at camp that year and had to pick up the book when I got home.

Favorite HP Website:
The Lexicon or the Leaky Cauldron. Resourceful, they are.

Most Ridiculous Potter Theory You’ve Heard:
I thiiink that time I heard that Neville was really the Chosen One. Haha, can you imagine that? “Oh jk Harry, jk you don’t have to kill Voldemort. Thanks for beating him back for me all those years though!”

Character You’re Most Like:
I think Ginny? Just less kick-ass.

House You Think You’d Be Sorted Into:
Probably Hufflepuff, possibly Gryffindor.

Your Patronus Would Be A:
I think some sort of dog, like a yellow lab or something.

To You, Amortentia Would Smell Like:
Clean hair, warm and freshly laundered blankets, the grass during a nice spring day

You’d Use Felix Felicis To:
Get a really sweet job as an artist, or get magically lowered plane tickets to Australia.

The Job You Would Most Like to Try:
Hrm…I definitely think being an Auror would be fun. Although I think it would be really fun to a reporter sort of like Rita Skeeter, and have a quill that writes everything for you :D

Which You Would Rather See - a Sequel or a Prequel:
Eek I don’t know…I think Sequel because it would be fun to see the trio as parents…but a Prequel would be cool too because then I could see Lucius and Narcissa at school, and I am very interested in that. Haha.

The Movies in Order from Favorite to Least Favorite:
Order of the Phoenix
Chamber of Secrets
Prisoner of Azkaban
Sorcerer’s Stone
Goblet of Fire


Animagus or Metamorphmagus: Animagus (gah would be so much fun)

Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans or Chocolate Frogs: Chocolate Frogs, they sound like…tricky and interesting to eat.

Black or Lupin: Lupin! I never cared much about Sirius, oddly enough, but I <3 Lupin.


Death Eaters or Dumbledore’s Army: The DA of course! That was my favorite bit about Order of the Phoenix

Draco or Lucius: *is torn between the two* Ummmm….I guess Draco because his whinyness makes me laugh.

Durmstrang or Beaubaxtons: Beaubaxtons, I would love to go to school in France. Durmstrang sounds a little scary.

Floo powder or Broom: Broom! More to look at!

Fred or George: They sort of go together to me, I could never tell one from the other…but thanks to the failure that was part of DH now we don’t have that problem! Ugh!

Grimmauld Place or The Burrow: The Burrow. Grimmauld Place always creeped me out a bit. Plus, at the Burrow there’s WEASLEYS!

Herbology or Care of Magical Creatures: Care of Magical Creatures, plants are boring even if they are magical lol

Hippogriffs or Thestrals: Well they both fly, but since I can see Hippogriffs I would prefer them

Invisibility cloak or Pensieve: Invisibility cloak! So I can be sneaky!

Mermish or Parselmouth: Parselmouth, because when do you ever have to talk to mermaids?

Occlumency or Legilimency: Legilimency sounds more interesting.

Peeves or Nearly Headless Nick: Nick for reals, he’s nicer.

Peter Pettigrew or Mundungus Fletcher: Peter, because Mundungus really, REALLY annoyed me.

Professor Binns or Professor Umbridge: Binns, because, um, Umbridge is a bit of a sadist? She makes me twitch.

S.P.E.W or the Inquisitorial Squad: SPEW for the win!

The Ministry of Magic or Gringotts: The Ministry of Magic, more interesting things to see and do.

Three Broomsticks or The Leaky Cauldron: The Three Broomsticks seems cozier.

Werewolf or Inferus: Inferi are damn creepy, so werewolf it is.

Whomping Willow or Flying Ford Anglia: Flying Ford Anglia. How sweet would that be? No more traffic…

Yule Ball or Quidditch Championship: Quidditch seems more exciting to watch, dances get old for me really quick, but then I like dressing myself up…

Sooo yeah...when I am reading all the books, you get to hear me talk about Potter nonstop. But hey, I think it's fun.

I just got through Goblet of Fire for probably the eighth time in my life, and was no less effected by the ending than I ever was. I still almost-cried at the Cedric bits, still got that little shiver when I read the sentence, "Lord Voldemort had risen again"...And, because I haven't read the book in probably six or more years, it was almost like I was discovering it over again.

Really, I don't know why I didn't catch on to Ron/Hermione sooner than I did. I think I was on the sixth book before it finally dawned on me, honestly! I blame the fact that I was 11 when Goblet of Fire came out. Anyways, it's definitely noticeable, and oh so cute! When Harry found the arm from Ron's Krum action figure, I smiled and said, "Awww. Ickle Ronniekins is jealous."

Reading Goblet also made me remember how terrible the script was for the movie counterpart, especially at the end, where all the vitally important stuff happened and it was explained really badly. Like, the scenes with the Pensieve and when Crouch Jr. was fed the Veritaserum. They didn't go in depth at all, I don't even think they explained why Crouch Jr. was impersonating Moody.

Goblet's still my favorite by far, but I'm looking forward to Order of the Phoenix, which I have only read a couple times and it's been awhile. I am so ready for CAPSLOCK!Harry, you don't even know. I find him hilarious.

harry potter, books

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