1) Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2) I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3) You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4) You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
These questions are from
morganize, who is made of awesome.
1. Which books and/or authors, roughly five, had the greatest impact on you in your childhood?
OKAY. I have to say the Oz books first, because they, basically, are how I learned to read other than Bob Books. My mom started reading them to me every night before I could properly read, and eventually I started getting so curious that after she stopped for the night, I'd turn the light back on and keep reading, but then later pretend I hadn't because, for some reason, I thought she would be angry if she knew.
Next, Roald Dahl. These have been tarnished since I learned of his general racism and anti-Semitic failure, but still. I insisted on reading everything he had ever written, just because the slightly-creepy imagination of him amazed me continually. Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator scared the everliving fuck out of me the first time I read it.
Hopefully this counts-- D'aulaire's Book of Greek Myths. I went through a period during which I just reread it obsessively, over and over and over again. Greek mythology: one thing I will probably never not have at least a basic knowledge of. (Yeah, the grammar in that last sentence was fucked.)
Dianna Wynne Jones! Particularly Howl's Moving Castle and the Chrestomanci books, which I completely devoured when I was in around fifth and sixth grade. I will forever want to come up with something as awesome as Howl or as Chrestomanci.
This would not be even vaguely close to complete if I didn't mention Animorphs, which devoured my life for a year or two when I was in elementary school. I was obsessed; Tobias and Ax were my favourite characters, Tobias especially. I wrote a series of books that completely ripped it off, as well, about teenagers who got turned into cats by aliens. There was also cat pregnancy and a scene of cat childbirth. I still think the books were surprisingly intelligent, funny, and awesome, considering, and refuse to ever sell the huge stack of them that I own.
2. A passage/poem/song lyric/something that is currently gnawing at your brain?
There is this Brighten song, "The Better Way," which I have because of
lyotto. The entire thing is often stuck in my head, but particularly "I am what you're feeling when you're nervous/I am what you're feeling when you walk away" and "You are the only thing that just might save me/Oh, the thought of it just makes me crazy/Why did you have to be so persuading?"
3. What could you eat for a long time without getting tired of it? (As distinct from favorite food, in most cases, I think.)
Salmon salad. Seriously, I have eaten pretty much nothing but for days and not gotten tired of it, because at my house it gets made in gigantic amounts. Especially the way my family makes it, it is the most delicious thing ever (pasta and copious salt and even more copious mayonnaise and kalamata olives and tomatoes and celery and corn and, of course, salmon).
blindmadness can testify to this.
4. What is your favorite place in Seattle? (If you can't pick, just a favorite will do.) (Pictures are nice, too.)
Hmmmm. This is kind of touristy, probably, but I'm going to go with the International Fountain at the Seattle Center. It's so much fun to play around, and when it's sunny out, it's just beautiful, especially looking at the Space Needle through it. The Seattle Center also has Seattle Fudge, which is delicious technology 1000%.
5. Complete the sentence. The nonexistent fic that I want to read right now would have:
The nonexistent fic that I want to read right now would have EITHER: a) tons of awesomely plotty and believable Adrian Veidt backstory about his motivations and how he turned out the way he did along with the amount of influence he may have had in the general nuclear holocaust hysteria in his bid to make himself out as a hero or b) Adam Lambert and Gerard Way hanging out and being adorable best friends.
My tastes are somewhat varied.