The Hobbit EE initial thoughts...

Dec 04, 2015 01:51

The Good-
--Funeral scene!!! more Bofur (which will make grey_wonderer happy)
--Extra lines at the gate by Gandalf and Bard
--showed how the dwarves got up to Ravenhill which was a bit entertaining.

The bad:

--too little Beorn!!!
--too little BIlbo!!!
--just excessive violence....HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU NEED TO SEE AN ORC DIE
Typical Peter Jackson style so that's why i know that he really butchered The Hobbit, well at least the 2nd part of DoS :rollseyes: According to this article:
PJ really pulled stuff from everywhere to make the Hobbit and really wasn't as faithful as he should've been therefore downgrading the Hobbit a whole lot. Now i'm not a hater and i do enjoy The Hobbit 1st and 3rd parts but, YES, it was drawn out and unnecessarily long.

How many tricks can we stomach from Legolas, and how many beheadings can we take ?!

So i'm not entirely happy with the EE.. i didnt' watch the extras which is the making of the Hobbit and all but the movie extra scenes itself didn't live up to my expectations.

While the LotR EE were fantastical, the Hobbit BotFA EE could've been better and focused on things that fans actually care about? not more orc blood? ( i kinda expected it but i did also want more BILBO, THORIN, BOFUR, BALIN?)

There is fodder for fanfic though. :)

the hobbit ee, the hobbit

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