Ralph Bakshi versus Peter Jackson movies

Feb 21, 2010 01:47

Thanks to speedyhobbit for linking this in her journal first! These videos made my day! :D

Bakshi versus Peter Jackson's movies =)

Part I

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Biggest points in my humble opinion:

--Frodo being stronger in Bakshi's
That is so important! I really liked the fact that Frodo stood up to the Ringwraiths at the Ford instead of looking half dead in PJ's version and also i appreciated that Bakshi remembered that Frodo took a stab at Weathertop too instead of falling.
However, Frodo is just utter beauty in PJ's version but still...PJ really should've made him much stronger to give him so much credit in everything. This is Frodo's movie but sometimes i think he made Sam so much more likeable. Like outside this LJ community that is Frodo-obsessed, i think most people like either like Sam or Aragorn better than Frodo. We know what the fan girls think of Legolas... :p

Also, i think i like Frodo look-wise in Bakshi too... i want to rewatch Bakshi just for the Bruinen Ford (even though they did mess up my favorite line "By Elbereth and Luthien the Fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me! and instead said something like "for the Shire, you shall have neither the Ring nor me which isn't bad but i like Elbereth and Luthien being mentioned!)

Merry and Pippin's lines of adhering to Frodo and staying by him was mentioned in Bakshi as supposed to totally skipping the whole cousin dynamic in PJ's version which i know a bunch of us in here are very displeased at. :s So therefore, points on that dialogue that Bakshi included.

Sam is a potatoe-head in Bakshi's and so so soooo awkward... so PJ wins for casting a loveable Sean Astin. <3

On the part about Aragorn, i would choose to defend PJ's version since i think they wanted to make Aragorn more doubtful and then make the story arc go into RotK all the more powerful on how he changed. I know how resolute and how many good lines Aragorn had in the books about knowing his place and acting accordingly, but i guess for PJ's version and for the whole appealing to the public masses, more dramatic transformation is necessary. I did NOT like PJ throwing in Arwen's fate to determine Aragorn's actions that much so in that point, i liked the book for making Aragorn more subject to knowing the importance of claiming his kingship and not because of claiming Arwen's heart. I guess both are important but the lovey-dovey aspect should be lessened.

Part II:

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It's debatable about Sauron but as a whole, it was definite that PJ's villains were better. Battles in PJ's are def better too. PJ wins overall but obviously, certain characters like Frodo could've been a win for PJ too had he made him a bit stronger. Bakshi really didn't give a better whole picture. (No Arumans, PLEASE!) :P

"If there's a whip, there's a way...." omg Rankin and Bass too funny... i don't even remember if i watched it. :s

: sigh of hyperness: Yay for comparing the movies in a humorous way!!!! :D

ralph bakshi, peter jackson, lotr, movies

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