Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie

Dec 21, 2007 01:11

teh angst.

Dan Radcliffe is the hotness.
(So Love him in this movie... maybe i just like angst but gosh, i almost cried when Sirius died... SO SAD.)
Really don't like that he died. Lestrange is a b*tch and so is Umbridge-- but the actress who was here did really well...

I knew i was going to watch this when it hit DVD... I liked this more than Goblet of Fire but less than Prisoner of Azkaban.
Thought it dragged a bit but then again i was never fan of the Order of the Phoenix books. I thought they got the essence of the book all right. I really like Dan Radcliffe. Oh wait i think i mentioned that already right? :p
The kids look *really* grown up here. Emma Watson, Rupert Grint-- i was like WOW... they really look different from the other movies.

I really liked Luna-- she is so cute!
Umbridge was done so darn well. You couldn't have had a better Umbridge.
I liked the Dumbledore's Army sequences...those were very well done.
More Snape would have been appreciated ...i know how much he is a fan favorite. :p
And the twins! All their screen time was excellent. Love how they flew into the Charms exam and created havoc. lol --they always make me smile. *spoiler* so sad that one of them dies in Book 7 :(

I know a lot of book material was left out but i haven't read the books fro a while so therefore will not make a movie/book comparison.

But overall, it was a solid movie. Sirius was done well too...the sequences he had with Harry were great.

When's HP6 coming? ...oh wait i didn't like hated that book...but hopefully the movie would be better....

Just Dan Radcliffe is pretty eye candy. ;) BLUE EYES! heeee~! ( i think i watch HP movies just fro him.... :P)

The end.

harry potter, movies

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