Obsessing with fellow fans at Frodo's Restaurant in RL is Love.

Mar 25, 2006 22:10

So i went to Frodo's Restaurant in upstate NY area and it was really good. The food was really good (i had risotto and mushrooms (yes slightlytookish, i ordered it...wish you could've joined me though! ;), the company even better and i got to meet lots of Heren Istarion people not to mention some hobbity fans and my fellow fans/friends in the NYC Tolkien Group. :) They went on the train up but i drove (last minute decision :P)

There was a raffle drawing and reading of Tolkien's works by many people. I even won a raffle and got double the amount of raffles because i'm a member of Heren Istarion (the Northeast Tolkien Society). ;) I got the theatrical RotK poster. I always thought this was the worst poster because they totally made Arwen too big, and Eowyn and Merry and Pippin weren't there and i was upset about that. :( But winning it is good...:D

So i read a passage from Tolkien's Letters Letter #246 <3 (i emphasized the Frodo not a failure bit) ;) and i also read a passage from "Field of Cormallen" where everyone is praising the hobbits.

Praise them with great praise!"

and i was like all emotional when reading it. :D (and thought that it's one of shirebound's favorite passage too. ;)

I met Anthony and Jessica who are the co-chairs of Heren Istarion and Anthony announced me as one of the moderators of warofthering.net. I was like all blushing and had to explain my function there... (like lazy founder/moderator of the Prof forum and news seeker ;) (well un-official news seeker...)
So i kinda advertised www.warofthering.net since...yeah i've been there forever and it does have a big piece of my heart.

I sat with two hobbit fans... Katherine's favorite is Pippin and immediately thought about slightlytookish and told her there's lost of good hobbit fic to explore and giave her addresses of henneth-annun.net, storiesofarda.com, and westofthemoon.net to check out. ;) There was Mary also who is a Sam fan and she even read a passage from "The Black Gate is Closed" which had Sam saying his adorable Oliphaunt poem. =) Katherine read from "A Conspiracy Unmasked". :)

There was this girl who recited the poem of Earendil, literally committed the whoel thing to MEMORY. I was so impressed. :) She also read one of her original poems that she wrote about Eowyn.

My friends, Lady Boromir and Nienna from the NYC group (who i played LotR Trivial Pursuit with...mentioned in another entry :P) didn't read but it was nice seeing them again. :) Nienna wore an elvish dress there and it looked really nice. Carole, who's really into Elves read a passsage from Pyre of Denethor which she thought whose character was changed in a not so favorable way in the movies. :P

omg, and also two people dressed as Frodo and Gandalf were there too! It was awesome seeing them pose in front of the Frodo's Restaurant sign. I kept screaming saying outloud FRODO LIVES! to him. :) He looks awfully familiar but he says he doesn't have a site or been to many functions. The Gandalf was really cool-looking as well. :) He was Gandalf the Grey.

The background music was the FotR music which was amazing...really sets up the atmosphere really well...i could've been there froever talking about Tolkien and hobbits. :)

Many people there are going to The Gathering of the Fellowship in Toronto this July since Heren Istarion is doing it and organizing it. The programming is awesome and it does seem very tempting. :)
More info here:

I didn't get lost but the highway was so darn curvy that i really needed to slow down... (though i think i was on the fast side of things... i was like Noro Lim, Asfaloth!
Yes i was reallyexcited for this. :D

Going to this made me really realize that fandom is so much alive. Even though the small restaurant didn't fill up, the LOVE, the OBSESSION, lives on with SO MANY PEOPLE. And it's so cool to share your own knowledge of things LotR to other people who love Tolkien as much as you do. For many, (like me) fandom is only beginning. Since i got obsesed after watching TTT, i feel like the movies made me interested enough to pursue other areas of interest. (like fanfic, like Tolkien and the sources he drew from) It is only BEGINNING, mellyn nin. It'll never be like it was anticipating for the movies, but there are other things to look forward to too... i dunno what everyone's views are with the Musical but i want to see it. :)


Tolkien and LotR
beyond love.

Like how i was thinking in the car (2 hrs there and back again :P)...i was dissolving into love and just...

too hyper fro words. :D

Ok...that's all, dearies... pics will come as soon as Heren Istarion has it up.... let's see how bad i look :P....

Last thought: i need a hobbit custume. Really Do.

Should i be Frodo or Sam? ;)

frodo's restaurant, tolkien reading day

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