Feb 23, 2010 17:28
well the people from Family Mosaic came round. they basically told me what i've been told before but with a little more info. First i've gotta call the landlord to see if they'll give me notice, only problem is its 3 names on one tenancy agreement so they might not give just me notice, it might have to be all of us in which case its no good. If they give me notice then it means i've been made homeless so the council have to find me a place, where as if i leave here because i don't want to be here anymore its seen as making myself voluntarily homeless in which case they won't help me. even though i'm pregnant and living on the streets they aren't obligated to help me if i 'put myself there' so to speak. After that i've gotta go to the council and try and put myself on the homeless register, and if they won't let me we're going to get Spooner to do it because he's not on the tenancy agreement and we can get his parents to write a letter saying they don't want him living there, and he can say he wants to be housed somewhere with me and the baby because the council can't split up a family that wants to be together. Also Nacro are calling me tomorrow morning to arrange an interview for next week to house me somewhere on Canvey as soon as somewhere is available, and i'm still looking for privately rented stuff online too, so fingers crossed something works out. Family Mosaic said that once i've exhausted all my options if i've still got nowhere to call them back and they'll put me on their books properly and help me out that way, but at the moment i've got too many options open for them to be of much help. still at least i know what i'm doing and what my options at the moment are, lets just hope things move quickly and i can get out of here soon.
flat hunting,
family mosaic,