Apr 08, 2004 07:33
I actually ditched 2 classes today! and I actually got away with it! *for the first time!* I went to Burger Barn in camarillo with my friends and interpreters! it was fun cuz its the idea of ditching and actually getting away w it! well.. I did ask my parents if I can.. so is it still considered "ditching"? oh well.. haha Last year I ditched cooking class with my friend and went to the bathroom because where else should I go? so I'm like fine, whatever bathrooms better than cooking class. then I came home, and my mom was home early, I'm like wtf? she said "so.. u cut class today?" I'm thinking, o shit how did she know?! then she told me that she got a phone call. I was pissed! because my best friend ditches all the time and she never got a phone call! I guess the school favors her than me :(.. haha well.. I'm going to riverside today and its a long drive! I'm soo not looking foward to the drive because I'm gonna be uncomfrontable in the car.. no room to sleep... dammit. OMG.. I just realized how boring my life is.. cuz I never ditch, and I go to riverside many times..
I better shut up now..
peace out.