.after the holidays blues.

Dec 26, 2007 23:15

Christmas this year was pretty fun. Spent a lot of time with family which is always good and my niece and nephew loved their gifts which made me very happy. I got some really nice gifts that I didn't expect to get and I'm thankful to those that spent some good hard earned cash on me.
The only thing that sucks for me as of this time is that my boyfriend has to work on New Years, so yes, no kiss for me. Kissing over the phone isn't the same so I think this New Years, I'll just go to sleep early and not celebrate. It'll be the first time I've done that in about 5 years.
I am not the kind of person that likes drama. In fact, I hate it. I find it funny that everytime I try to avoid it, it somehow it finds me like a magnet to metal.
Take tonight for instance..I'm just talking about this because I need to vent. My boyfriends X wife lives in an area that's about 45 minutes from my house yet she insists that he wake up at 5:30 in the morning to have his daughter to daycare by 7, most of the time, only so that her lazy ass can sleep in. Now don't get me wrong, sleeping in is great, but YOU had a child, once you become a parent, all of that sleeping in bullshit goes out the window. He does this every morning that he's not at work. Instead of her driving the kid to daycare and him picking her up in the afternoon she makes his ass do double duty and he's dumb enough to do that shit. Well, his job has been fucking him over and so now his check isn't in the bank today like it should be, he's now frustrated over getting gas to get his ass back up the hill so that his X can spend time with her little fuck buddy in the morning before he leaves for Vegas. My boyfriend owes me 110 bucks, there was no way I was going to offer to give him money because that would be more he'd have to give me when his check came in. I don't really need him telling me he had to pay me back all that money and that he's got none left at the end of the two weeks. It's bullshit.
I've been to one funeral this week for a little girl that's 11 who died of lukemia, I've got another one to go to on Saturday and another one the week after that...with all these funerals floating about, and all the stress I'm under, I keep wondering...
is mine next?
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