Mar 01, 2007 16:58
Someone made a post in one of my FA groups that has me wondering what the rest of you might think. I'm going to copy the original post and then a couple responses and then my own. Let me know how the rest of you would respond to their questions.
Posted: Feb 28, 2007 1:21 PM
we need something new to talk about..
it seems this group gets lots of replies about boozing topics. what about a death topic?
who here would rather be dead than living with FA? Or, if you don't feel that anymore, who used to?
Posted: Feb 28, 2007 5:53 PM
Hey! That was me too! I used to hate myself so much that I wanted to smash me up pretty good. I was suicidal from 10 to 24 years old. Even attempted 3 times. Well, 2 were more like ‘gestures’, but the third was planned to a ‘T’. When it didn’t work, I just gave up; suicide is such hard work.
But death is attractive only because of what you believe is on the other side of the fence.
If I believed that heaven and seven beautiful virgins were waiting for me, I’d be killing jews and Americans right now.
If I believed in a Christian heaven, that’d be better than life.
If I believed in reincarnation, I’d hope for a better deal of the cards and keep offing myself until I was born perfect..
I find it funny that we have a thousand religions, each one with a different theory of the afterlife, yet each claims to be the “right one”. Instead of asking which is correct, maybe we should think about the possibility that religions are just made by man to alleviate our fear of death. A lot like when our dog or cat dies, we say we’ll see them later. We create a new rule for heaven, the way heaven was man-made in the fist place.
My own theory is just that we cease to exist. No heaven or second changes or ‘higher plateaus’. Humans are either arrogant or naïve to think that we’re any more special than any other living being.
So now I realize that I was given ONE LIFE by my parents. Not a great one, could’ve been better…but when I’m gone, there won’t be anything left where I sit. So I’m just gonna ramble on until I can’t ramble anymore. When it gets too pathetic and I’m sitting in 2 weeks worth of my own urine and feces, I’ll figure out a way to end it.
So it makes me wonder Noodle…what do you think is on the other side?
Posted: Mar 1, 2007 4:46 PM
In the end, FA will take the life of its' if the host kills the FA first, it's a small victory.
I'm going to use that statement as a signature in my e-mail. :-)
This is a very good topic though. It's very interesting to read all of your opinions. Especially since for the past few weeks I have been so unsure as to what I myself believe. For the biggest part of my life I was atheist. Then for a while that went to unsure. Then for the last two years that unsurity went to a reliance on GOD having to be real or I had no hope. Now though I'm not so sure. If GOD is up there I must've done something so bad that HE doesn't see me anymore. I do hope that heaven is real for everyone else but for me if it is real I don't want to go there. I'd just ruin it for everyone else.
I hope GOD and heaven are real but if they aren't I think maybe when we die our minds sort of go into this unending sleep where we relive our lives over and over nonstop. Deja vu? Then it would be best to live your life to the fullest b/c you could be stuck in this life forever. Who's to say we aren't already in that dreamstate?
I have been suicidal since I was eleven or so and not b/c of the FA but b/c of my life and what's in it. Actually I'm very seriously wanting to slit my wrists and watch as the pain flows from me until there's none left right now. I wouldn't be hurting others b/c no one wants me in the way anyway. Everyone knows I want to die and no one cares enough to try to give me a reason to live. There isn't one. No need to try.