everybody's got something for me to do.

Apr 25, 2005 09:45

i'm completely exhausted. i knew that moving was a pain in the ass, but i forgot just how much of a pain it is. i have bruises on my legs and my entire body aches from moving boxes and lifting heavy objects...yes, that's right, i was physically active in the moving process. that might surprise some of you, considering i'm lazy as all hell. but i was just so anxious to get out of our shithole on judd street and into this new house, that i was actually motivated to get our stuff into the new house as soon as possible. i looooooooove the new house. i'm almost totally moved into my room, except for some clothes and miscellaneous items. let me just say that waking up at FIVE IN THE FUCKING MORNING for school is not fun, especially when you can't even fall asleep the night before. i look like shit today and i can't keep my eyes open for five minutes at a time. can't wait to go home and sleep. but wait! i can't go to sleep! i have to write my goddamn english paper, which is due on wednesday but i haven't done any of it and don't want to save all five pages for tuesday night. i'm kind of screwed for the paper because i haven't thought of what i'm going to write about and haven't picked out quotes to include or anything. eh, i'll just bullshit it and probably manage to get a good grade, which is what happens often in forget's class because i always procrastinate and wait until the last minute to write papers. it seems to be getting more and more difficult to focus on anything that has to do with school, i think second semester senioritis is kicking in. once you get into college, everything you do in high school after that just seems pointless. i have to make an effort to focus because i still have the AP gov/politics exam in a couple of weeks and the senior project for english. god, make it go away. blahhhhhhhhhhhh.

this sinus infection isn't going away. wicked not cool. i hate being the person in class who is constantly sniffling and coughing, disrupting the whole class. did you know that the world's largest fish is the whale shark, which can be up to fifty feet long and weigh two tons? i did.
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