4 Apocalypse Avenue, the Apartment; Monday Morning.

Jun 30, 2008 08:00

Charlotte was reclined comfortably on her couch, but it was clear that she was still in a great amount of distress. "Thank you guys so much for doing this," she frowned into her phone. "I'm at my wit's end, really, probably about two seconds from actually coming out there..."

"Oh, it's okay, Charlotte," Carried answered back, "we set up the phone on speaker in your spot so it's like you're practically already here. Except Miranda's going to eat your toast."

"I barely managed to fit this into my schedule," Miranda muttered, "and eating is starting to become foreign to me with a kid in the picture, so, yes, I'm eating your toast and you're in Virginia, and can't do a thing about it."

"Antarctica, actually," Charlotte corrected miserably, "so, yeah, have all the toast you want. But this isn't about toast. I know you guys are going to think I'm crazy, but I don't know what else to do." She took in a breath, knowing they'd think she'd just gone and lost it. "My boyfriend is a rabbit."

"Oh, sweetie, I thought you said you had a problem," Samantha submitted.

"I don't mean sexually!" Charlotte, clearly scandalized, gasped. "I mean he's an actual, little, furry, floppy-eared, buck-toothed rabbit!"

There was a long pause.

"I thought you said that there were plenty of great men out there; what are you doing hooking up with a rabbit?"

"No, I mean, it's Dale. He turned into one. It happens all the time here, apparently, but he's been this way for over a week, and they usually get better after just a few days, but, no, he's still a rabbit. And you'd be shocked at the amount of coffee a rabbit can still consume."

"Hey," Carrie offered, "you're no bunny until some bunny loves you."

"Okay, it is way too early for that," said Miranda.

"I think it's way too early for Charlotte be to telling us she's dating a rabbit," Samantha pointed out.

"You guys are no help," Charlotte wilted into a small commiserating pout.

[[ for that rabbit who is not her exhusband, who is entirely to blame for the pun, although if you really wanna visit, go ahead. :) ]]

calls with the girls, my boyfriend is a bunny, 4 apocalypse avenue, dale is not my exhusband

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