*DISCLAIMER* I do not own South of Nowhere or any of its components.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3632762/1/Who_Needs_the_World < Click here to read
Very few shows have revolutionized queer youth visibility like "South of Nowhere." Say what you will about the network's reluctance to portray excessive amounts of physical affection between our favorite lovebirds, Spencer and Ashley, (and trust me, I wanted to see as many lip locks as the next person!!), but I feel this show irrefutably brought a whole lot to the table that GLBT and heterosexual teens alike needed and were waiting to see. This is my first OneShot, which was hard for me because I tend to be wordy with my writing, and I wrote it before the season 1 finale, so it was my interpretation on how the two might have gotten together. Very fluffy! The title is taken from a Nick Carter song. I do understand how ridiculous that sounds, but it is a great song.