Winding Down...

May 14, 2005 23:02

Hmmm...schools almost over. Cant wait. I have 2 weeks left and the second week is all half days and then a trip to the Renaissance Hotel. Farewell is on June 1st. Prom is June 2nd! Graduation is June 5th!

I cannot believe that high school is almost over. It sucked major ass but i guess the sayings true: Lifes a bitch and then u die. Lol. I have three projects, one research paper and an exam. All within the next two weeks. Wow. I can do it....maybe.

Cannot wait for college!!!! Im going to Villa Julie!!! Full tuition!!! So happy i got that scholarship, otherwise id be a lil bit in trouble. Cant wait to go shoppin for my dorm room. I already picked out what classes i wanna take n made up two class schedules. I just gotta go to Orientation on June 23rd and register.

PROM is gonna be soo fun!!!! I have a really cute prom date. Im takin Dean from JCP. Lol. This should be interesting hehe. It was either him or Andrew...and ehh Deans probably a better choice cuz hes more outgoing and Ive actually hung out with him before outside of work. So yeah...Im happy. And just for the record: Im not tryin to take Dean from ANYONE. Hes just my prom date. Lol. I just wanna borrow him for the nite n i swear you can have him back untouched and unharmed. Hehe.

Lastly cant wait for OC! Never been, wow i know im a loser but oh well. Me and Amy are gonna do the bungy jump thingy. Hell yeah!!! Always wanted to do that. Im gonna party, get drunk, and hopefully meet tons of hot guys. Lol. Just what i need. I cant keep one guy for a long period of time so if i try to squeeze in a bunch in one week ill figure it might just work. HAHA. ~~Jen and Star: OC 2005~~ Star is my friend from school who im sharin a hotel room with. Definitely a lethal combination. Hehe.

So i guess thats bout it. Omg im growing up (while others arent ugh) but i guess u take the good with the bad. And why ppl you stopped talkin to b/c they're immature, try to come back n start shit with u two years later is beyond me. If you havent grown up yet, i dont think u will before ur 50. So please dont fuck with me, cuz u will get urs, and Ill make sure of it ;) And seriously to those ppl who are left behind, just stay the fuck away from me. U are not draggin me down again so stop fuckin tryin. I dont care what is goin on in ur fucked up pathetic lil life, dont ask me for "help" cuz guess what? I am NOT here for you, and I never will be. That may sound really messed up but its the honest truth. Just needed to get that out there.

CLASS OF 2005! We're almost there!!!!!
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