I feel like a walking ad for Tiger Balm - can you smell me?

Feb 28, 2010 00:59

Apparently, I surprised a few people by my admission of doing yoga. I suck at it, but it's fun. Hey, I had to do something after I ended my membership at the gym!
Some exercises are grueling where my shoulders are concerned, others are simply impossible. I like the fact it's low impact - especially compared to (kick) boxing, and I can only hope it'll pay off in the long run.
I've been taking it fairly easy (or so I thought) keeping my yoga sessions under 30 minutes in the beginning. Then I slowly upped it to over 30 minutes and adding to that a half hour worth of drumming. (I've been told playing the drums is a good workout for the shoulders.)
Unfortunately, that proved to be too much too soon. The last week or so both shoulders started acting up badly, making simple things like lifting arms to pick up something off a shelf or running where one pump their arms to gain speed, a painful affair. What's more: wearing a safety belt the "normal" way while driving is impossible once again. Aargh! This is getting extremely frustrating.


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