Despite this being my third time back in the US since last November, I'm experiencing reverse culture shock like a motherfucker. What are the signs of reverse culture shock? Glad you asked. They are:
- Reverse Home Sickness - Man, fuck you guys! I miss my Japanese friends!
- Negative Attitude Toward American Behavior - Why is everyone honking their horn? Why is she so damn loud? Why are these bougie ass people watching me in the store like I'm about to steal something? BOO AMERICA!
- Feelings of Alienation or Withdrawal - Oh hai guise nobody loves me and everyone sucks.
- Boredom, Uncertainty, Confusion, Frustration - Will I ever find a job? Probably not if I spend half my time writing these blog posts...oh, and everything has changed and that confuses me.
- Change In Goals Or Priorities - Fuck being a millionaire! I want to be one with nature!
- Need For Excessive Sleep - Sadly I can barely sleep in this mofo...but this might affect yo ass!
It's funny, but coming back all these various times has in some ways been harder than going to Japan, where all the stuff that should have been weird and freaky to me was actually awesome for whatever reason. Maybe I was super ready for a change then?
With time and the help of my friends and family I'll hopefully get over this sooner rather than later. For now, though, consider me culturally shocked and awed.