The times, they are a-changin'. The new JETs are already starting to trickle into Okinawa, and most of the old guard has started to make their way back to their respective countries. One of those departing JETs is Kristin, the wife of John who left a couple of months back after a memorable good=bye party that started at the Eager Beaver and somehow wound up at Henatoma. She was the first JET I ever met as her and MaryAnn were stationed up north in Nago for English Camp a couple of years ago, and whenever me and MaryAnn would chat it up on Skype Kristin would be in the background doing something wacky.
The Nanjo City Board of Education decided to throw her a pretty sweet good-bye party. You know what that means: karaoke, karaoke, and more karaoke. Did I mention there was karaoke?
You can watch this video on
First stop: karaoke bars. Next stop: the cast of Glee. You heard it here first.
Peace out, Kristin. You're zany personality will definitely be missed.