FIC- Lies for Love Part Eighteen

Jul 04, 2009 20:46

Title: Lies for love
Pairing: Thirteen/Cameron, Thirteen/Cuddy
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Pretty much zilch. This is set at the beginning of Season 5 when House has his new team but contains nothing about them specific to episodes.
Disclaimer: I own... nada.
Summary: Thirteen can't remain faithful and risks losing everything that matters to her.

( Part One.) ( Part Two) ( Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven) (Part Eight) (Part Nine) (Part Ten) (Part Eleven) (Part Twelve)   (Part Thirteen)   (Part Fourteen)  (Part Fifteen)  (Part Sixteen)   (Part Seventeen)



After seeing Cuddy the only word Thirteen could use to describe how she was feeling at that very moment in time was emotional. She spent ten minutes crying in the ladies’ locker room, hidden in the corner where no one entering would be able to see her. Luckily, no one did come in and so Thirteen was able to cry in peace. In a strange sort of way it did help; she felt like she’d let some of the emotions she was feeling out and was no longer bottling them up. What had happened still hurt more than ever, but she felt more able to act herself than she had before she’d let the tears run down her face. Considering her constant crying hadn’t previously done anything for her she found this surprising, but at least she felt a little better.

She barely knew what was going on that morning. They had another patient but Thirteen wasn’t really listening to the details, she just threw in an idea that she thought sounded relevant every now and again. She put up with Kutner’s incessant questioning of her, asking if she was ok, did she still feel unwell, did she want a glass of water? It was driving her insane, and though she tried to be polite, any minute now she was going to have a complete freak out. At least Foreman and Taub had the decency to leave her alone; either that or they sensed just how close to the edge she really was.

It was around noon that everything got a whole lot worse. She hadn’t thought that was possible but for some reason God was determined to drive her into the very depths of despair with absolutely no let up. Lucky her.

Up until now, Thirteen had been extremely impressed by House’s handling of the situation. He didn’t appear to have said anything to Cuddy, and she was sure that had he said anything to the team then they would have mentioned it by now. House had behaved himself; a rare occurrence that Thirteen hadn’t thought achievable. It was a miracle in itself if House managed to keep his mouth shut for a full five minutes, let alone for several days. And really, Thirteen should have known that it was too good to be true; House just wasn’t the kind of guy to think of others before himself.

“I need to talk to you,” Cameron stormed into diagnostics, tears pouring down her face. “Alone!”

At first Thirteen thought she was being spoken to, but then she followed Cameron’s eye line to see that it was focused on House. She panicked herself, but fortunately, her fellow team members understood this to be the same bewilderment they wore on their own faces.

“Kinda busy right now...” House drawled.

“I don’t care!” Cameron yelled, completely hysterical. She turned to the others. “Get out!”

Her position within the hospital being higher than Taub and Kutner, both looked like frightened rabbits and scurried off. Foreman merely sat still and replied, “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

“No, but I do,” House snapped. “Do as she says. Get out.”

It seemed House didn’t want Foreman to be witness to the slaughtering he was about to get. However, Foreman wasn’t giving up easily. “What about her?” he gestured towards Thirteen.

“She isn’t your concern,” he waved away Foreman’s statement. “Now leave!”

With an extremely pissed off look on his face, Foreman did as was asked of him. Thirteen remained still, not able to move. Cameron was also motionless, but stood in an angry stance, fists clenched. She looked like she was about to smack House, who for his part had moved away from her, and shut the door.

“As much as I like my soaps, I have no desire to star in one,” he announced. “C’mon, let’s get this over with.”

“How could you?!” Cameron shouted. “Why would you do that to me?!”

“Lower your voice a few decibels,” he said condescendingly. “You’re hurting my ears.”

“What has he done?” Thirteen interjected from her seat at the table.

“He... he told Chase,” Cameron was now openly crying. “About us.”

“What? Why would you do that?!” Thirteen exclaimed, jumping to her feet.

“Hang on a second, let me explain,” House looked from one angry woman to the other. “I overheard Chase saying to one of his buddies about how he wasn’t getting any lately, so I waited until Tom, or is it Harry? Anyway I waited until he went and I told Chase he needed to get in touch with his feminine side. Obviously he had no idea what I meant so I told him to ask you for advice,” he jerked his head in Thirteen’s direction. “That was all I said.”

“He’s not an idiot, House!” Cameron sobbed. “He put two and two together, and when he asked me I... he could see from the look on my face.”

Thirteen couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “House... why would you do that?” She repeated.

“Oh for God’s sake!” House cried out. “Do you really need me to answer that? I’m me,” He huffed loudly. “I hardly think that either of you are in a position to judge!”

“Spare the self-righteous lecture, House. We’ve established that what happened between Cameron and I was a mistake,” Thirteen said in a low voice, trying to keep the situation under some semblance of control. “You should apologise.”

“Ha! No way,” House refused.

“Forget it; Remy,” Cameron said in a shaky voice. “I don’t care even if he is sorry; it doesn’t take back what he’s done.” She sniffed, stepping backwards towards the door. “I’m going to try and talk to Chase.”

“Why bother?” House scoffed. “You obviously don’t love him.”

“How I feel about Chase is none of your goddamn business!” Cameron yelled. Her eyes flitted to Thirteen briefly before she exited.

“I think she’s mad at me,” House said thoughtfully, scratching his stubble and looking up at the ceiling.

“House...” Thirteen said, exasperated by him. “What you did was awful.”

“Yeah yeah, I kinda got that from blondie just now. I don’t need another rant from you,” he snapped.

Thirteen shook her head. “Can you blame her? You’ve probably just ruined her relationship!”

“What do you care?” House shot at her.

“Would you have done the same thing to Cuddy?” Thirteen ignored him. “I mean, would you have gone to her and hinted about Cameron and I had you known before she found out?”

House shrugged.

“I’d like to think you wouldn’t have,” Thirteen told him. “Because as much as you won’t admit it; you care about Cuddy. It isn’t just because you apparently benefit from our relationship, you wouldn’t want the guilt of upsetting her...”

House opened his mouth to interrupt, but Thirteen held up a hand to indicate he should stay quiet. “I know that you’ll say otherwise; but don’t bother because I won’t believe you. Now I know you don’t like Chase, and for whatever reason you have it in for Cameron, but you should do the right thing and apologise. At the very least it’ll stop her from hating you as much as she does at the moment,” Thirteen finished.

House watched her carefully for a few moments. “Why does it matter to you so much?”

Thirteen frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” She was confused by House’s reaction, under the impression that he would have laughed at her words.

“Why does how Cameron’s feeling matter to you if you don’t care about her?” He rephrased his question.

“I have never said I didn’t care about her,” Thirteen denied. “I said that I don’t have feelings for her. There’s a difference.”

House nodded. “Ok, I can buy that,” he replied, then going back to simply watching Thirteen.

Suddenly, Thirteen remembered that she’d never spoken to Cuddy about House knowing. Taking the opportunity, she asked, “Does Cuddy know that you know about us yet?”

House nodded once again. “Yeah.”

Thirteen bit her lip. “You weren’t horrible to her; were you?”

“No. In fact, you might say I cheered her up,” House revealed.

“What?” Thirteen asked in confusion.

“I just cracked a few jokes... told her Cameron’s funbags would never measure up to hers. That she had the best ass in the whole state, that sorta thing,” he informed her. “I dragged a smile out of her at least.”

“Good,” Thirteen nodded. So Cuddy could still smile. That was something, she supposed. Bringing the issue of Chase finding out into the conversation again she continued, “You going to apologise to Cameron?”

“Yep,” House said, upbeat.

“You’re not going to argue with me about it?” Thirteen asked him, suspicious.

“Nope,” House answered, hobbling over to the door. “Catch you later!”

Thirteen couldn’t be sure, but through the glass she thought she saw a somewhat guilty expression on House’s face as he walked down the corridor. Maybe what she’d said to him did have an effect, after all.

thirteen/cameron, fic, fic: lies for love, house md, thirteen/cuddy

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