OOC: [Radio Net]

Feb 10, 2002 01:47

Post here if you want your messages torn to shreds hijacked by Kira-kun. ♥

In Light's possession is what he terms a "radio net." This device looks oddly like a radio, but it is a receiver that can intercept and any wave in the general vicinity. He has managed to use his personal journal to view these intercepted communications, but any and all deciphering must be done by Light himself and is thus limited to his own intelligence and capabilities (not to mention time constraints). Within a month or so of tinkering, he managed to figure out a few of the machine's "rules," listed here:

  1. The net can only receive transmissions fielded by the nearest radio tower.
  2. The net is not active unless it is turned on, therefore all communications made during the time is is off will not be affected.
  3. The operator has 40 seconds from the receipt of the signal to decide whether or not to edit the signal.
  4. If nothing is done, at the end of 40 seconds the net will release the signal untouched.
  5. After editing has begun, changes should be made in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
  6. All communication must also be re-encrypted before it is sent out or it will corrupt the wave, invalidating all edits.

There is the possibility that other rules exist, but these are the only ones Light is aware of currently. Due to these time constraints most transmissions that have Medium-Hard to Hard level encryptions do not get edited, but he can copy them to his notebook to decipher at his leisure.

Using the net, Light is able to "tune in" to various journals and the signals the relay through the nearest tower. He keeps all decryption and personal notes in a plain black notebook, which he guards zealously. However, he will burn any pages that he considers too incriminating or could be traced to his own deeds. Still, there remains a vast array of notes on Things He Should Not Know that can be rather useful when he is caught in a tight spot.

Additionally, the transmissions he has intercepted have caused him to form a very jaded opinion of the "great society" he lives in. Too often he has seen guilty men (and women) released on flimsy alibis, and now, with his radio net, he plans to do his best to set the record straight. Occasionally, the communications of a criminal will get caught in his radio-net only to be rerouted to the police or, more frequently, completely rewritten to incriminate the sender. As things often do, rumors slowly began to spread and the criminals themselves began calling him the Message Killer, or "Kira" for short.

Thrilled by this new name, Light believes that he is in the process of creating a new and more peaceful world. It is the first time that he has truly felt passionate about what he does, and why not? He is punishing criminals that deserve to be behind bars or worse. He considers it his duty to establish peace throughout all of Reial, unifying it under one common government: Justice.

radio net, hijack requests

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