Title: I Will Carry You
Fandom/Canon: Master & Commnder: The Far Side of the World
sharpiefanWord count: 0
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Um. The film?
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Stephen
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to the film or the music, I only play around with them for fun and to share the love
Author's Note: Jack/Stephen with a bit of hurt/comfort. I originally used this song for a different vid and was watching that when I thought it would make a perfect Jack/Stephen vid too. I also apologise for the long pause before the credits, I couldn't work out how to reduce the wait there.
Summary: When you can't walk any further, I will carry you
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If the embed doesn't work, you can see the vid here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l7KEwgdjaM and it is also posted over on
perfect_duet here:
http://perfect-duet.dreamwidth.org/497130.html - copy/paste the URL if necessary because I don't trust LJ to let me post a working hyperlink (it does every now and then and other times, nuh-uh.)