Forests in Fall, Deserts in Spring

Dec 07, 2014 13:32

This autumn I've been hiking a lot. The woods are gorgeous this time of the year, and you may remember listening to me complaining for years about missing autumn colours. Well, this year I've taken advantage of the season to my hearts' content.

Then last week while in Lima we went to visit an archaeological site which claims to display the remains of the most ancient city in the world, in the middle of the desert. Both sights are beautiful, truly, in different manners.

These pics were taken in different days but all with my cell phone, so the quality is not as good as the landscape deserves, but still you'll get the idea.





And below, some of the unearthed pyramids of the old city of Caral, north of Lima and home to a 5000 year-old civilization. These valleys are extraordinarily green during the rainy season and then totally dry for the rest of the year, so there's much speculation whether this was actually a city or rather a ceremonial centre. No matter what, the structures and remains found are quite impressive. Beautiful, too, in their way.


The funny thing about this is: I'm usually capable of appreciating the beauty and diversity of landscapes and places I visit, but people sometimes assume since I am quite enthusiastic about everything I see, I must come from an ugly place. So when one person in the group, encouraged by my admiration, proudly said that Peru was the most beautiful country in the world, I had to go and show him pictures of my forests that I had in my cell phone. He looked at them for a while in awe and then turned to me and said "how you can say this is beautiful then?"  That's definitely thought provoking..
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