May 24, 2008 11:41
Yesterday was a brilliant day at the barn. Between M. and I we got a lot accomplished.
Barn work and fun:
* Cleaned all stalls.
* Scrubbed feed buckets.
* Fed horses, set up feed for later.
* I rode Friday. She was wonderful. We got some nice trot work (after a bit of work). We also did a few canters, and it was great fun. She loves cantering up the hill outside the barn.
* M. lunged and rode the big grey monster. Made some progress with his lunging manners.
* M. worked with wee stallion on manners and picking up his feet. He's gotten stubborn about that.
* I free lunged and did some liberty work with Diamond. She loved, loved, loved it. It was so much fun. She was so focused on me and didn't freak out about the whip like she did last time I lunged her on the line. Also, she's learned to come to her handler at a signal, and will turn her body 180 degrees to be lined up nicely at another signal. She is obviously proud of this new skill and loves to do it.
* I put a bit and bridle on the filly -- after a bit of discussion that involved my foot getting stepped on. I also put a pad and cavesson on her, and then took her for a walk. After coming to the conclusion that neither the mailbox nor the tractor would eat her, I let her grab some grass, gave her a few treats and realized I was running horribly late. I untacked her and headed off, happy with the day's work and fun.