Sep 21, 2008 20:10
I completed the 10km run in 1 hours 13 minutes and 25 seconds!
I really didn't think I would be able to run at all today due to three reasons. Firstly the time and stress of placement has put me off training regularly. Secondly the new trainers I got last weekend after having a gait analysis did not stop my knees hurting before completing one lap of the park last Monday. Finally, I have quite a heavy cold which has gone down onto my lungs quite nicely and has given me a bad cough. So why did I do it? (a question I asked my self a lot on the way round!)
Mark asked me how bad I would feel sitting at home feeling sorry for myself and not giving it a go. /shakes fist. My f**k you factor was so irritated that I just had to go out and give it a go and sod the fact that my body might not be at its best. I double dosed on ibroprophen, got on my bike and went to the race. I was doing it on my own so I was a bit lonely waiting around at the start, but you can't not do things just because no else you know is silly enough to join you!
The first 2km were fine. I was getting into the stride of it and overtaking people. After that the knees started to ache a bit. After half an hour I got stitch for a couple of Km (at which point Bob came past). It was nice to see a familiar face in the crowd and have a brief chat. The pain in the knees then hips just got worse form then on. I managed to keep up a jog all the way round (thanks to that good old f**k you factor again!). A couple of times I thought my legs were just going to give way rather than any more punishment but I kept them going. The spectators were really supportive and did help take my mind off my knees.
Anyway, I made it to the end! I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh, cry or be sick (the sickly feeling sadly lasted the longest). I can not barely walk up or down the stairs (which I want to do more often than I thought!). Given the circumstances I am quite pleased with the time I completed it in. At least I did it and I now have a base line measure on which to aim for improvement for future runs.