wasn't there something i ought to be doing...?

Jun 02, 2006 21:45

"Envy is a gadding passion, and walketh the streets"--Francis Bacon

The new Vimto Jammie Dodgers give English Breakfast tea a very strange taste.

I keep reading books as I catch sight of them. There's three in my toilet, two in the living room, two on my drafting table, four on my desk, two in my bed and an innumerable number around the rest of my bedroom. As I get busier I just snatch up the nearest book to hand whenever I have a bit of spare time.

I am very excited; have a job as a storyboard artist! £100 for 7 scenes. Funny how these things come out of the blue; hopefully it'll lead to more jobs.

Free Range exhibits have opened! My friend Rachel is of the opinion that one could save an amazing amount of money by just buying monthly travel cards and going to art show openings every night. Free wine and food!

Well, back to work.

work, books, events, rl, art

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